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do you work out?


Forum Addict
May 26, 2004
hong kong
yea well, finally bothered to get off my ass to work out a bit.

wondering if u all work out or not. some of u i'm guessing will be quite buff'd out, others like me, skinny or on the other hand fat.

btw whats the most effective way on working on the pectorals (sp?) "pecks"


Finally a workout thread, I was beginning to worry about you guys. :thumbsup:

Are you working out with free weights, or do you have the machines?

For a good compound exercise there's always the bench press. This can also be done on an incline (sitting up a bit) to target the upper part of your pecs.

Here's a decent link - just clink the body part you want to get "pumped up" and it will give you a some exercises to target it.

If you can give me as much information about yourself and your goals I might be able to give you some hard-earned info (ie. weight, height, body type, goals, etc.)
shit thanks man. i do curls and stuff with weights thats about it. when i bother a bit more then i do some push ups and sit ups.

i dont have any machines, i dont intend to buy any too. do you know any good sites with work outs without machines? (is it called free weights?)

thanks n e wyas
No, but I should. Me eating like 4 hotdogs for lunch plus sitting in front of my computer is starting to catch up with me. I used to have uber high metabolism and had to work to gain weight, now I have a small gut and tiny man boobies.

Best to head it off early I guess though...
Let's start a workout support group! :thumbsup:

What's your weight Viper - and what's your goal? Then I can check up on you in a month to see how it's going. :twisted:
I like strength training, but I can't do cardio unless it is something fun (like a sport). Working out for me is basically trying to add weight - I'm one of those skin and bone type kids. :mrgreen:
1. Lots of gearshifting and pressing the clutch, turn the wheel fast from left to right and push the brake pedal real hard.

2. Washing car as fast a possible with a sponge.

3. Changing all 4 wheels in 10min.

4. Push your car up a hill.

Should get you 5kg off.
Re: do you work out?

jasonchiu said:
yea well, finally bothered to get off my ass to work out a bit.

wondering if u all work out or not. some of u i'm guessing will be quite buff'd out, others like me, skinny or on the other hand fat.

btw whats the most effective way on working on the pectorals (sp?) "pecks"




4-5 times a week. Gots to get ma' 6-pack up n' runnin' for the beach this summer ;)

I work out at a gym, which also works as a physio-therapy office. So half the place is machines to work out on, and half the place is offices with chiro-practicants and physio-therapists.. so say you have a back proble, they x-ray you, find out what's wrong - then build up a special program that works around your "problem".

I divide my program into three, upper-front, upper-back and "underbody"

Works fine!

Ultra_Kool_Dude said:
Let's start a workout support group! :thumbsup:

What's your weight Viper - and what's your goal? Then I can check up on you in a month to see how it's going. :twisted:
Last time I weighed myself, I was 145 lbs, but I'm probably 150 or 155 by now. Oh, and I'm 6 feet tall.
Jostyrostelli said:
1. Lots of gearshifting and pressing the clutch, turn the wheel fast from left to right and push the brake pedal real hard.

2. Washing car as fast a possible with a sponge.

3. Changing all 4 wheels in 10min.

4. Push your car up a hill.

Should get you 5kg off.

hmm... my form of exercise on weekdays is washing 2 cars everyday... I've been in malaysia for about 7 months and I've changed spares on my cars like 4-5 times already because of the unbelievably bad road condition with Potholes and shit and I am running 18" rims with 285/35ZR18 Tires... lol
well... on weekends I do loads of Road or mountain biking so thats pretty good training
Viper007Bond said:
and tiny man boobies.

Viper has whiskey - tits :lol:


i only have dumbells. whats ur advice

what times u guys get for the 100m? last time i did it was like 12.22 lol!

i'm suprised that viper is quite a fatty lol no offence
I used to lift weights and played American Football for years, but now I'm a happy couch potato. :twisted:
Here are chest exercises that you can do just using the dumbells:

Make sure you give your body time to recover between chest workouts though (a week is usually good), or else you risk overworking the muscles which can cause a variety of problems.

Getting warmed up and moderately stretched is also important so that you don't risk injury.

I'd also suggest that you incorporate a workout program that targets all of your muscles.
im 87.5 Kg, and im 1.87 m or so. So i dont feel the need to work out. plus it makes you tired :p
bigfoot1942 said:
im 87.5 Kg, and im 1.87 m or so. So i dont feel the need to work out. plus it makes you tired :p

Hey same here :lol:

I'm 1m88 and weigh 74 kg, I can eat alot I never gain anything, I laugh at people who say "No I can't have another burger, I have to run it off tomorrow"

I'll sleep it off 8)
I used to work out alot when I was younger, my knees can no longer take the leg excersises so I pretty much stopped. Nowadays my work out is:

Legs & ass - get of the couch and walk to the fridge.

Upper body and hands - open fridge, raise coke can and drink :)

I can vouch that this is a really effective workout, you can really see it shaping your body in no time at all :D