They've chosen a woman simply for the sake of choosing a woman and that is never a sound basis for making a decision.
They've chosen a woman simply for the sake of choosing a woman and that is never a sound basis for making a decision.
And I have to agree with Spectre. I don't have a problem with casting a woman as Doctor Who. The character is an alien from a fictional species that regenerates upon death into a new body, so what, it's no biggie switching the gender. It has been handled very well with The Master before.
I do have an issue with the move blatantly motivated by political correctness, gender diversity, whatever you may call it. There has been so much talk for such a long time about making The Doctor a woman, or black (why not Asian, though?), or both, that the casting just cannot be sold as "we have a great actress who can play the character in the direction we want him/her to go". It is "she was cast because this time, it had to be a woman". And this kind of following the PC lead also does not inspire confidence in the writing getting any better in the future.
I believe this gets answered when the pandorica opens.
My main concern regarding the writing for the next Series is neither the fact that The Doctor now is a she nor leftist pandering. Maybe I am too PC or not scared of change enough, but my fears are rooted in more mundane matters:
Broadchurch Series 2.
Let's put the politics aside for a while and focus on the fact that Chibnall has produced arguably one of the best BBC miniseries of recent years with the first series of Broadchurch, only to deliver a total turd as a followup. Consistency this man's strong side ain't.
"Doctor Who makes sci-fi history by casting a woman as the lead"
Broadchurch wasn't a BBC production - it was made bu Kudos for ITV.
I haven't seen that episode but reading it's wiki page it sounds like a pretty standard early Torchwood fare...
Then anyone with this complaint does not unterstand how film works: The writer has no input on the costume design whatsoever. The showrunner, RTD in this case, and the director are to blame (and, of course, the costume designer).I think they were referring to the costume design.
Then anyone with this complaint does not unterstand how film works: The writer has no input on the costume design whatsoever. The showrunner, RTD in this case, and the director are to blame (and, of course, the costume designer).
Hahaha! Well deserved reputation cookie spread! Voyager was (mostly) Awesome! I have to find a decent rip and rewatch it..