Doctor Who

How I feel after watching the latest episode:


Same here!
if the Doctor swapped places with his ganger. does this mean that the one Amy chatted with privately was the real Doctor? if this is the case its very likely that the Doctor is now somewhat aware of his fate from 6x01.

When I watched it, I thought that the one Amy chatted with was the ganger Doctor, because he was the one that felt the stronger connection to the Flesh.

But MWF made a very good point:

Ganger Doctor: "Well, my death arrives I suppose."
Real Doctor: "But this one we're not invited to."
Ganger Doctor: "What?"
Real Doctor: "Nothing."

The Doctor that Amy talked to must have been faking it. Or maybe, somewhere in between the other Doctor being created and the end of the episode, the Doctor decided, for whatever reason, that he'll invite everyone to witness his own death. Or maybe they're both Gangers. :ninja:

Anyways, remember when the Doctor told Amy to breathe in Flesh and Stone and The Big Bang? This plot arc goes deep. Really deep. Maybe the Alliance kidnapped her in The Pandorica Opens.

Spoilered below because somebody on Youtube made an interesting observation about the trailer for the next episode. Spoiler within a spoiler, I know. Spoilerception. BWOOONG

According to some people, the logos you see everywhere in the trailerare the symbol of Omega. :think: Bringing Omega back doesn't seem like a very Moffat-y thing to do, but it'll be a surprise I suppose.

Actually, forget that. I've just checked and that never happened. I was thinking of something else... :blush:

Yeah. I'm kind of a real life 11th Doctor without all the brilliance or the bravery - in the sense that I talk shit. Sorry. Really sorry.
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Actually, forget that. I've just checked and that never happened. I was thinking of something else... :blush:

Yeah. I'm kind of a real life 11th Doctor without all the brilliance or the bravery - in the sense that I talk shit. Sorry. Really sorry.

damn you, i've just been skipping through Flesh and Stone looking for those sequences you spoke about. i honestly thought it had happened.
also i noticed this in last nights Doctor Who confidential.
According to Executive Producer Beth Willis, the Ganger Amy Pond has been acting in place of the original Amy Pond since the beginning of Series 6. I'd put money on it that she's been missing since the Silence abducted her and she was replaced with a ganger. this might account for the pregnant/not pregnant situation.
It was definitely before The Impossible Astronaut. Or during, but I don't see how that could happen. She saw the Eyepatch Lady before she was abducted. Maybe Amy's been Flesh ever since The Eleventh Hour.

And now I've just found you've repped me. I feel embarrassed... :blush:
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meh, don't worry about it. anything that makes me go back and watch previous Doctor Who episodes is enough to warrant some rep from me.

only window i can see is when she was kidnapped by the silence... or the 3 month time skip in between The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon. hopefully Moffat gives me some answers to this one. i'll be scratching my head at this one for so long i'll probably end up with a Patrick Stewart haircut
Ok, I think I can sum up my feelings about this ep without needing spoiler tags.

You utter bastards...
Once thing is for certain. The Moffat you see on Confidential has to be a Ganger. No way the real Moff would have the time to film a behind the scenes show and come up with all this epic brillianceness!!!!
The Amy Pond Ganger was created before she found out about her pregnancy and told the doctor, thus it did not know about the pregnancy.
I agree Doc, the question is, why?
I agree Doc, the question is, why?

Cause she's been a naughty girl and in consequence the total number of Time Lord will increase by 0.5. Who ever has her wants to get their hands on the half-Time Lord offspring.
Cause she's been a naughty girl and in consequence the total number of Time Lord will increase by 0.5. Who ever has her wants to get their hands on the half-Time Lord offspring.

River did mention that people would go to extreme lengths for Time Lord DNA in The Impossible Astronaut when they burned the Doctor. Since we are seeing her life in reverse. its very possible that she could be speaking from experience
[Amy's] been a naughty girl

Don't say things like that. You'll make j_k come over all unnecessary!

So am I the only one who didn't like this last episode? I thought the first half of the story was promising, but apart from the ending I wasn't that impressed with the second half. (And no, I can't say why, exactly, it was just unsatisfying for some reason.)
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So am I the only one who didn't like this last episode? I thought the first half of the story was promising, but apart from the ending I wasn't that impressed with the second half.
No, you're not alone. The whole acid/flesh thing was not really satisfying for me.
In retrospective, the story might redeem itself when seen in the big picture of the Amy story. And it's not alone in that respect, other episodes this season have the same tendency for me - not bad, but not really strong on their own. I'm all for complicated story arcs unfolding over the course of a whole season (that's what makes me like TV series, because they have more time to tell astory compared to movies), but the single episodes have to function on their own, too.

A question popped into my head last night: Why did The Doctor allow the surviving gangers to go into the world? After all, he knew about Amy being a ganger...
Furthermore, I think they handled the "the copies are humans too, somehow, and need to be treated accordingly" problem not well - well, not at all. They gave themselves an easy out with no more than one copy of each person surviving.
Don't say things like that. You'll make j_k come over all unnecessary!
So am I the only one who didn't like this last episode? I thought the first half of the story was promising, but apart from the ending I wasn't that impressed with the second half. (And no, I can't say why, exactly, it was just unsatisfying for some reason.)

*adds NoNeedForAChestWig to the revenge list*

i can understand your point though. when you compare episodes like Curse of the Black Spot and The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People up against the other episodes so far this season. they can seem a bit dull. i didn't enjoy these episodes as much as i enjoyed The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon and The Doctors Wife. Although i still think they are miles better than the RTD years.

To answer DanRoM's question about Amy. I think its because the Doctor realised that Amy had been kidnapped and that her ganger was different from the other gangers who had gained sentience. Its the only way i can explain it. Also i'd think the Doctor would be incredibly pissed that someone had kidnapped Amy and replaced her with a doppleganger. He may have killed the doppleganger so that Amy would wake up in her location and the Doctor would be able to somehow trace her location.
By pure chance, i watched The Measure of a Man back to back with The Rebel Flesh. As much as i love Doctor Who, Star Trek just does metaphysical debate on what's life and what's not and how it should be treated better. I agree with DanRom that they chickened out of the whole "Gangers are people with rights, too"-tangent.

It's exactly like "Casablanca": Cause Ilsa Amy thought Victor Rory was killed by the Nazis Cracks in Space, neither her nor Rick The Doctor committed a moral error in sleeping with each other. Only later, when they found out that he was still alive, things got complicated.

Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.
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