does anyone know a good photography forum?

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andyhui01 said:
Carsightings said:
Viper007Bond said:

great joke ;)

thats just fantastic.

well done.

whats this technical question you claim photogrphers on our forum can't answer? Where to change the EXIF data for the photo? :p


a good photography forum
Took three seconds. Literally. Click on one and have a poke around instead of making yet another thread.

andyhui01: :lol:
andyhui01 said:
Carsightings said:
Viper007Bond said:

great joke ;)

thats just fantastic.

well done.

whats this technical question you claim photogrphers on our forum can't answer? Where to change the EXIF data for the photo? :p

Andy, I'm surprised you are able to sit there so comfortably and type that, what with your GIGANTIC BALLS.

whats this technical question you claim photogrphers on our forum can't answer? Where to change the EXIF data for the photo? :p

Andy, I'm surprised you are able to sit there so comfortably and type that, what with your GIGANTIC BALLS.



Ohhhh carsightings :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
BerserkerCatSplat said:
Them some mighty big balls you got there. :lol:

Yeah, but they must hang lop-sided judging by the variance in size from left to right :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm hungover but I'm laughing because this thread is so utterly stupid.

Thankyou all.

Okay, this thread needs to die now.

Carsightings: our photography forum should be able to answer any questions you have. If not, just Google. ;)
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