Doing TG and FG presenter voice impressions.

Power Ranger

New Member
Jun 1, 2007
So here's my idea.
Forum members could do their vocal impressions of their favourite presenters and post them here(doing some famous quotes would be just superb). Then other members could rate the contenders(shaping up to be a contest :lol: ) and the winners would get titles like:"I sound like James May" or something like that. Could turn out to be a lot of fun. :) Your thoughts?

P.S. Sorry if it's a repost
The first time I saw Tiff in a video (Crossfire review) I couldn't stop laughing at how he talked and I kept doing his voice for a few days. Obviously I grew to enjoy his style but still it was funny and I think I impersonated his style well.

But posting it here, I dunno...
No No it should be fun.
Let the Power Ranger start...others will follow...for sure.