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Don't mess with Canadian Cops.

Here burglars could *declare* (get money back from the Taxcompany) their money they've spend on the gun, the gloves and other costs they made to break into someones house....

Justice for all! :bangin:
I saw that yesterday. Since he is mentally unstable it looks like he might not know about suing the cops. They could have used a tazer gun instead though.
Renesis said:
That's in Toronto, apparently it wasn't his first offend that day

Absolutely right, it wasn't.
a few weeks ago, someone got shot in a resturant and the police fenced off this whole area but they didnt find the guy lol1 they had the swat in and everything
they would have tazerd the guy, but the "city" cops don't have tazers in T.O. only the "SWAT" guys do, they were en route when the city cops decided to take action...
haha604 said:
Better than shooting him I guess ...

Totally agree with you. You do the crime you pay with time.
Mischief007 said:
I saw that yesterday. Since he is mentally unstable it looks like he might not know about suing the cops. They could have used a tazer gun instead though.
I think he had a knife though. The cops back off when he approaches them.