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e-mail from BBC-- it might be coming to the states!!!


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
hi, i'm new to the forums here :D , and i love the videos here, but i recieved an e-mail from someone at BBC


Hi Alex,

Thanks for your email and views. As I'm sure you realise, Top Gear
prides itself with tongue-in-cheek humour, so don't take all the
American jokes too seriously!

There have actually been recent talks about getting the show in the
States - no agreement has been reached yet, but negotiations are still

Hope you enjoy the rest of the series,


Katy Henderson


Keep in mind that this isn't official or anything, but it sounds promising :D
Good to hear. Hopefully people will still be interested in having them on their computer though... :?
i still would, :)

i love watchin them over and over again when im bored or something.
Viper007Bond said:
Good to hear. Hopefully people will still be interested in having them on their computer though... :?

I will. I love archiving and it would prolly be on a channel I don't even get anyway.
i am sure they will only include car reviews when they broadcast it in the States.

i really doubt if they will broacast the whole 1 hour show with car news + celebrity ...etc.
nosispower said:
Does this mean the BBC is afraid that it'll offend Americans?

Is the world so anally politically correct?

No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:

Most likely some rich person out in California (no offense) who has nothing better to do but try and fuck up everyone elses life.

Yes, I'm still pissed off at the pointlessness of the School Prayer incident before my day! :evil:
Tanner65 said:
No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:
Haha, that's the most retarded thing I've heard all day...
Viper007Bond said:
Tanner65 said:
No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:
Haha, that's the most retarded thing I've heard all day...

Nah, I bet some bored soccer mom would create M.A.T.G (moms against top gear) because of its offensive jokes and large breasted British celebrities. She'd get 1,000 fellow bored soccer moms and would march to Washington to protest the evil British and soon war would be declared.

Or even better, everyone loves TG and it starts to steal viewers of other programs. Well, then the media begins to start the Top Gear contraversy...."news at 11, is the newly popular British filmed 'Top Gear' corrupting young minds and turning impressionable young American minds against their own countries? is Britain morally lacking compared to America? Are their shows better than ours because they're not corporately controlled by rich men with baseball bats stuck up their asses?"

It'll never happen, and if it does, it's gonna suck.
i think the reason that we'll not see top gear in the states can bee seen on the SPEED channel (since fox got ahold of it, that is)

any car review i see on there is a half hour long joke with some noname american racing driver expounding the virtues of the Cadillac SRX for the sporting driver (yes, i actually saw them do this) whereas on TG, if they dont like a car, they will tell us its rubbish....the only way i could see it happening is if they put a big disclaimer on it saying that none of the cars on the show are available in the states,,
Viper007Bond said:
Tanner65 said:
No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:
Haha, that's the most retarded thing I've heard all day...

but that's still true... USA is "anally politically correct."
Renesis said:
Viper007Bond said:
Tanner65 said:
No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:
Haha, that's the most retarded thing I've heard all day...

but that's still true... USA is "anally politically correct."
Absolutely. It is the one thing that I hate most about the US.
MPower said:
Renesis said:
Viper007Bond said:
Tanner65 said:
No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:
Haha, that's the most retarded thing I've heard all day...

but that's still true... USA is "anally politically correct."
Absolutely. It is the one thing that I hate most about the US.

and you can thank liberals for that, they fuck everything up for us. :roll:
justin syder said:
MPower said:
Renesis said:
Viper007Bond said:
Tanner65 said:
No, the U.S. is so "anally politically correct." Some liberal would get pissed off and have a law passed against Top Gear probably.:roll:
Haha, that's the most retarded thing I've heard all day...

but that's still true... USA is "anally politically correct."
Absolutely. It is the one thing that I hate most about the US.

and you can thank liberals for that, they fuck everything up for us. :roll:
I recall Richard saying something about how "liberal" and "fun-loving" Britain is. I guess it's only there you hear those two words together...
I have a feeling that, even if we get the show here in Canada and States, it'll be the "BBC World" version of it or something.. i.e. 20 min long instead of 60.

But I doubt that'll happen. Although Speed TV did put Fifth gear on their programming schedule, so you never know :) As a matter of fact, it's on right now on Speed hehe..