Mischief007 said:
Thanks haha604. I appreciate the web site.
About the education. There should be no "you can drop out at 16". That's the dumbest thing I've heard in this world. It should be re-inforced and governments SHOULD be playing a big role in this.
I dunno, I personally having spent the time and effort to graduate high school and get a college degree, think that people who want to drop out at 16 should be allowed to. If they want to screw up their life, that's their choice. I also don't want those same people asking for money when they can't afford to survive. Public (K-12) education is free here in this country, and if you want to not take advantage of it, then that should be your fault and you should have to accept those consequences. There are problems with our public education system, but forcing students who don't want to be there to stay isn't the solution.
As for the general state of the American economy, I think its in unstable territory right now. The tech industry is definitely on an upswing (as is evidenced by the great number of jobs available for graduating students), but it isn't going to repeat what happened in the late 90's, as VC isn't easy to come by. I don't really fear that China and India will take the high tech advancement away from the US, as those countries currently serve as cheap sources of labor for American innovation.
The difference between American software engineers and Indian software engineers is quality. More and more American software developers are bringing software back to the states to be written, because fixing the quality problems with software is beginning to cost more than they are saving by sending it out to be done. Microsoft for example only uses Indian code houses to write non-core parts of software (such as libraries for development tools, and sub modules for products) and the major products like Windows and Office are developed entirely in the United States.
I don't think that India and China will ever surpass the US in technology, as US companies tend to hire the best and brightest and bring them here to work, instead of letting them go off and start competing businesses. If India and China were to dump trillions of USD into research, as is done here in the states, they might begin to move towards us technologically, but by then, it's likely that we will be even further ahead.