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Emergency Pizza

:lol: bet the guy feels kind of embarressed :thumbsup:
I wonder how the Jet Fighter Squadrons are getting their Pizzas.
LMAO @ "The Ministry of Defence spokesman did not confirm what toppings were on the pizza."

Great Stuff.
Re: Emergency Pizza

FliPP said:
lol, funny story from Sydney

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Embarrassed emergency officials are investigating reports a Sydney fire station was unable to respond to an alarm because a fireman had taken the station's only fire truck to pick up a pizza

here is the article: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=7557061

Haha, I work at a chinese restraunt in Brisbane and every couple of weeks, we get a fire crew who brings their truck along to get some takeaway. The problem with the guys in Sydney is that only one person took the truck while the rest of the crew was back at the station, which meant they couldn't respond to call outs. Here the whole crew comes along, so if they get called out to a fire, they can drop everything and go.