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Fastest ever production, road legal car


New Member
Nov 4, 2005
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irela
Seems the crazy people at radical cars have smashed the lap record for the nurbugring, they lapped it in a quite frankly insane time of 6:55, to put that speed into prespective the fastest lap ever was 6:25 by Stefan Bellof in a Pershe 956 race car. It beat the previous fastest car the dutch Donkenvoort by 20 seconds. You can watch a video of it here quite poor quality and no sound but you get the idea.
^ there is a better version of it, with sound, somewhere. may have been posted here actually.
^ i've got the same vid you posted, except with sound. I could email it to you through yousendit
it's probably in the video offer section ...
I've got it as well ...
I reckon the lap speed can be quicker, since from mem that guy needs to dodge some traffic ...