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February Photoshop Exercise

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Lazier than Viper
Nov 27, 2003
Quebec, Canada
2007 BMW Z4 3.0 SI
The first of what will hopefully be a long series! So this month for the first photoshop exercise, the pic you guys will have to photoshop is the new Corvette C6.

(click for the 1600x1200 version)

This thread will remain open for discussion, but do NOT post your progress or photoshop here, if you want to share your ideas you can, but be aware that the competition is looking! :p

Don't forget that your chop must respect the rules that you can read here

If you want to follow the discussion the boys over at Dieselstation are having on the exercise, look at their topic of it, here.

I hope you'll participate and have fun! :thumbsup:

Entries Recieved so far (on both forums) : 18
you guys looked too fast, it's all fixed now, although I'm keeping the mirror :p

Clarkma's been very helpful and now I have some kind of Mod power and I created the topics there too, so we should have 2 discussion topics and the links should all be ok.

Get working guys! :thumbsup:
Haha you're gonna laugh about mine..

Hey Renesis, what if I make this car into a really nice buldozer, and it looks real...

Rules don't say anything about that...
Count me in! I'm going to start working on this thing right away. :D
Mine is almost finished :) I think 25 days is a tad long but thats just me :thumbsup:
yeah we could do 2 per month if things go well, I only wanted to play it safe for the first one.
Don't worry about it, almost all contests that i have seen don't have that rule and i am sure no will steal anything from another picture. The voters see which one got posted first, thus know who ripped off what from which pic. In other contests that i saw, some ripped off stuff from an earlier chop (which looked great though) and then got disqualified or put in last place.

EDIT: Jostyrostelli how many times did you edit you post?? Anyway i guess i could be a good rule, Don't steal from erlier chops from the same contest. Or something like that
I say don't post 'em until the contest is over.
^Yeh, how much imagination is left if you get ideas from other people... :thumbsdown:

Flipp what do you mean? Just a couple of times ;)
submitted mine - yay for my first PS attempt! :D

Currently Listening to: Stand (Acoustic Version) - Poison - Best Of Ballads & Blues (2003)
7 entries so far! :)

mine isn't done yet.. still got wheels, paint and some details to do, but it's really "meh.." looking
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