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Ferrari Laptop...

seen a couple of times ferrari laptops here in shops, they may look nice and everything but im not gonna pay twice the normal price because it has a ferrari badge on it :thumbsdown:
pdanev said:
seen a couple of times ferrari laptops here in shops, they may look nice and everything but im not gonna pay twice the normal price because it has a ferrari badge on it :thumbsdown:

Exaclty, a friend of mine has one he paid 1700euros for it, I got mine (almost the same) for 900 euros. The badge doesn't make it faster and you won't win games all of a sudden..
jasonchiu said:
maybe it cost more coz its got carbon firbe on it and its stronger and lighter :? :lol:

Nah, it's just flashier and uglier.

Well, Ferrari, really. :mrgreen:
^^ Thats why nobody wants to make an Audi Laptop ;-)


True. They would work well, be high-quality, but when something went wrong, spares would be pricey. :p
^^ Haha... Exactly... :lol:
Considering its got a Ferrari badge on it, its not very fast spec wise...i bet u there would be ferrari nutters who would go out and buy that. Acer make crap computers btw
A friend of mine, 5 years ago, had a few ferrari cellphones.
bihus said:
jasonchiu said:
maybe it cost more coz its got carbon firbe on it and its stronger and lighter :? :lol:

Nah, it's just flashier and uglier.

Well, Ferrari, really. :mrgreen:

well at least the sound of the moving parts of the laptop would sound better :D
Problem with that Ferrari laptop is that it is an ACER & it runs WINDOWS. It's akin to using piss & puke as fuel for your Ferrari.

Buying a Ferrari laptop is probably the closest thing the owner will ever own an expensive Ferrari.
Car themes for laptops don't mix. Like oil and water.
Jeremy talked about Hummer aftershave? Someone here posted a Hummer-gitar, what about a HUMMER laptop?

Chromed mouse with a 0.26"wheel all chrome spinnarz, the keys are lowered and it used 60 times more energy than a normal one :eek:
Jostyrostelli said:
Jeremy talked about Hummer aftershave? Someone here posted a Hummer-gitar, what about a HUMMER laptop?

Chromed mouse with a 0.26"wheel all chrome spinnarz, the keys are lowered and it used 60 times more energy than a normal one :eek:
and dont forget 5 times the size of a normal laptop! :thumbsup:
ferrari laptops have been around for years man..