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  • F07 (#1)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fiorano (#2)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 368 (#3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Una berlina per Enzo (#4)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zonna Rossa (the off roader #5)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Laura (#6)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VRN900 (#7)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 843 (#8)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles
Genesis Sedan 3.8
See 2 posts down for the cars :)

Im not sure if anyones seen the new(or newest i've seen) issue of Auto&Design the Bimonthly English-Italiano yadda yadda. Wll there was an article about Ferrari telling some design students at the IED in Turin to do some radical innovative designs for them. Unfortuantely I dont have a scannere here in the dorm so I had to use my webcam :yucky: If anyone has a good scan of the article please do put it up and tell me what you think(there are some pretty, un Ferrarish designs

" 'F07' Inspired by the original styling of the Wallypower Yacht. The taut curves defining the flat surfaces alternate with concave and cnvex projections characterizing the style."

"'368' A two seater with removable body pannels at the front and rear, enabling use both on the road and racing circuit"

"'Zonna Rossa' A to seater created to tackle off-road tracks, which are normally inaccessible to luxury cars, without sacrificing Ferrari style"

Just to name a few of the wierder sounding ones(off road Ferrari?? keeping in mind that topic about the AWD system theyre developing..."

EDIT: wasn't sure to put it here or in concepts
lol, what the hell are they smoking?? the one in the bottom right looks alright though
The lambos were pretty new in design..and car makers are making more "radical" designs anyway.








Sry, Best i can do for now :(
it was a contest at a design school in italy, these were not fficial concepts as far as i know.

the only recent ferrari design that was not built in real life as far as i know was the ferrari aurea

AutoMX said:
it was a contest at a design school in italy, these were not fficial concepts as far as i know.

the only recent ferrari design that was not built in real life as far as i know was the ferrari aurea

^ that one looks good if a bit Enzo meets Batmobile

the VRN900 actually looks very good. thats this one i think.... anyways thats the best one
The first two seem more Bugatti than Ferrari (#2 looking even more like a rip off).

368, trying to tap Ford's concept of retro styling and failing...

the fourth actually has a ferrari look, that's the one I picked.

the fifth looks like a Porsche Cayanne or however you spell that travisty.

the sixth looks like something to come out of Japan, not Italy.

#7 is really cool, but it doesn't seem 'ferrari'. Maybe TVR or something like that, but not ferrari...

the last one isn't too bad.
patrick10 said:

the VRN900 actually looks very good. thats this one i think.... anyways thats the best one
definately very good looking. i approve. :thumbsup: