See 2 posts down for the cars
Im not sure if anyones seen the new(or newest i've seen) issue of Auto&Design the Bimonthly English-Italiano yadda yadda. Wll there was an article about Ferrari telling some design students at the IED in Turin to do some radical innovative designs for them. Unfortuantely I dont have a scannere here in the dorm so I had to use my webcam If anyone has a good scan of the article please do put it up and tell me what you think(there are some pretty, un Ferrarish designs
" 'F07' Inspired by the original styling of the Wallypower Yacht. The taut curves defining the flat surfaces alternate with concave and cnvex projections characterizing the style."
"'368' A two seater with removable body pannels at the front and rear, enabling use both on the road and racing circuit"
"'Zonna Rossa' A to seater created to tackle off-road tracks, which are normally inaccessible to luxury cars, without sacrificing Ferrari style"
Just to name a few of the wierder sounding ones(off road Ferrari?? keeping in mind that topic about the AWD system theyre developing..."
EDIT: wasn't sure to put it here or in concepts
Im not sure if anyones seen the new(or newest i've seen) issue of Auto&Design the Bimonthly English-Italiano yadda yadda. Wll there was an article about Ferrari telling some design students at the IED in Turin to do some radical innovative designs for them. Unfortuantely I dont have a scannere here in the dorm so I had to use my webcam If anyone has a good scan of the article please do put it up and tell me what you think(there are some pretty, un Ferrarish designs
" 'F07' Inspired by the original styling of the Wallypower Yacht. The taut curves defining the flat surfaces alternate with concave and cnvex projections characterizing the style."
"'368' A two seater with removable body pannels at the front and rear, enabling use both on the road and racing circuit"
"'Zonna Rossa' A to seater created to tackle off-road tracks, which are normally inaccessible to luxury cars, without sacrificing Ferrari style"
Just to name a few of the wierder sounding ones(off road Ferrari?? keeping in mind that topic about the AWD system theyre developing..."
EDIT: wasn't sure to put it here or in concepts