FinalGear Fitness Challenge!
Couch to 5k
Designed to get your lard butt off your computer chair, couch, stool, toilet or other seating device and become active for the sake of health! This idea is a spinoff from the LoseIt community from Reddit aimed at FG'ers as we are a pretty close community. If you have your own regularly schedule fitness regime you can still play along with us who don't, but add something you are currently unable to do right now to your regime. Biking, swimming, running, rollerblading or anything else that is a constant cardio workout. Walking does not count! Brisk walking sure, but lazy-ass walking, strolling, whatever is not what we're going for!
Got your own fitness routine already and want to share? Go ahead! Feel free to record yourself doing the exercises
You're not obligated to share any information you may not want to share (weight, measurements, etc.) so don't feel like you have to. This is solely meant to get active, healthy, lose the lard butt (should you have one) and most importantly to have fun!
Le Challengers
Couch to 5k
Designed to get your lard butt off your computer chair, couch, stool, toilet or other seating device and become active for the sake of health! This idea is a spinoff from the LoseIt community from Reddit aimed at FG'ers as we are a pretty close community. If you have your own regularly schedule fitness regime you can still play along with us who don't, but add something you are currently unable to do right now to your regime. Biking, swimming, running, rollerblading or anything else that is a constant cardio workout. Walking does not count! Brisk walking sure, but lazy-ass walking, strolling, whatever is not what we're going for!
- To be able to run a 5k (3mi) in 9 weeks from when you start this challenge!
- To shed X amount of lbs, kg or stones.
- To walk up more than a flight of stairs without becoming winded!
- Fit in to a new piece of clothing you bought months ago but can't wear yet
- Any personal goal you may have and haven't achieved yet.
Got your own fitness routine already and want to share? Go ahead! Feel free to record yourself doing the exercises
You're not obligated to share any information you may not want to share (weight, measurements, etc.) so don't feel like you have to. This is solely meant to get active, healthy, lose the lard butt (should you have one) and most importantly to have fun!
Le Challengers
- ChelsDS
- Redliner
- Old Lace
- LP
- Fairlady
- chaos386
- CD82
- Evel
- AutoAero
- RaptorJesus
- deathrazor
- M3lover
- zylaxidia
- devil500
- warden
- Cold Fussion
- mpicco
- Speedtouch
- he-he
- Whappeh
- Buba
- D-Fence
- eizbaer
- Clockwerk
- ninjacoco
- melbournian
- Lekky
- Jens
- Raparperi
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