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FG newbie here - What's the "best" FG episode?


Dec 22, 2005
California, USA
I have been a fan of TopGear for a while now, but I have yet to watch an episode of Fifth Gear.

What would you say is the "best" episode of Fifth Gear, or your personal favorite episode, that I could watch to get acquainted with the series?

(Hope this hasn't been asked before - I searched but didn't find anything.)

Thanks in advance
I thought [08x02] - 2005.10.17.avi was a good ep. Especially if you're a BMW-enthusiast. Tiff is racing an F1 car against Vicky in an M5 :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, definitely 08x02. As a BMW nut I almost creamed my pants while watching it, in fact I will watch it again just now :)
@ Cactuar: what program ist your avatar from ? haven't seen it on top gear ...
Poor dude gets asked that all of the time. Hey, why don't you just add a link into your sig with the explanation in it? And Something, it was not from Top Gear, some other show did a bit on him, and they had that footage in it, odd thing was that, that footage had nothing to do with the show itself, its just JC being his random self.