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Forum Rankings

Hmm I've seen it on other forums, and I personally don't like it.
I don't think it contributes alot to the forum, and people will start posting shit to get a higher ranking.
Usually the quality of discussion suffers proportional to the gimmicks you add to a board. This is my home on the Interweb. I don't want it to be all like: "woot i juz got teh nu r4nk LoL lOl !!!111!!!"
Just for the record I'm likewise against smiley's. They're devils work. Get rid of them, now !
Think rankings are ok, and sometimes fun, but obviously quite useless. Just have them start quite high, nobody will bother posting 200 times just to step up their ranking from n00b to newbie :)
It was the peer pressure.

About the sig, I thought about removing it for some time now. Seems like this is the right time.
Avatars contrary are useful. You can see who you talk to instantly.
swek said:
Just for the record I'm likewise against smiley's. They're devils work. Get rid of them, now !

Seeing how few people understand sarcasm and irony, smileys are a necessary evil...

A friend of mine always said smileys are for the emotionally challenged. But then again, he was kind of socially challenged himself.

(see, no smileys!) :)

(oops) :oops:

(oh no)
Aha, don't you think that you shouldn't post on a board if you cant even read sarcasm, zynism and humor out of a post. What about books. As far as I know they don't come with emoticons and yet I've managed to read out all of it so far.
swek said:
Aha, don't you think that you shouldn't post on a board if you cant even read sarcasm, zynism and humor out of a post. What about books. As far as I know they don't come with emoticons and yet I've managed to read out all of it so far.

I have no problem understanding, it's (very) common in Norway, at least among people I hang out with. But again, your funny comments are even stupider when you have to explain them to everybody. Alternatively, not explain and insult a bunch of (dumb) people.
Swek: it's totally not about not understanding sarcasm. I do understand sarcasm in real life, but that's not the same as here, obviously...
We've discussed forum rankings before, and like Viper will probably mention soon, they're only an invitation to post-whore. We don't support that here, so the rankings are a no.

As far as smilies, they are an integral parts of the board, and they aren't going anywhere :p :mrgreen:
Rankings no, smileys yes
And let us have the "My Car" addon again viper :evil: it never came back since that stupid isp deleted our files once.
Rankings just promote spamming IMO.

And yeah, I know, I need to add that hack back. Finishing the main site is more important though. ;)
Viper007Bond said:
Rankings just promote spamming IMO.

And yeah, I know, I need to add that hack back. Finishing the main site is more important though. ;)

Soooooo... the new name of GT4 is "main site" :tease:
:lol: My sister actually stole her PS2 back for some new game that came out.

I've just been busy with other things lately actually. Gonna reinstall PHP/Apache on my machine today and get back to work on it. :)