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Fox News - wtf is wrong with these guys?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2004
The Netherlands
Check out this column (there's also a streaming version of the broadcast):
Does History Repeat Itself?

This is the 'best' bit:
Holland is a perfect example of what happens when there is no governing moral standard. The Dutch have decriminalized most drugs and people smoke dope openly in venues set aside for the practice. Prostitutes display their wares like mannequins in department store windows. And now we have at least one hospital murdering already born babies because someone has decreed them unworthy of life.

If ever there was a slippery slope to be studied, this is it.

The Dutch are now grappling with their open border policy. They have admitted thousands of radical Islamists who have not assimilated and are threatening the stability of the nation. A Dutch filmmaker (search) was murdered last month by a radical who didn't like a film he made criticizing Islam's treatment of women.

And now we have the killing of newborns. All of this in a country where the Nazis murdered Ann Frank just because she was Jewish and therefore less than human.

Does history repeat? In Holland, apparently it does.

Mind you, I've recently seen the documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004) so I know what to expect from Fox News.....but this is still some of the WORST pseudo-journalism I've ever seen. Being a Dutchman myself, I don't know whether to laugh or to shake my head. I'm not going to touch all the subjects mentioned here, since I don't feel inclined to 'bravely defend my country' against this horsesh*t (hey, I can think of a lot worse than being known for smoking weed :lol:), but I do want to have a look at the last two sentences.
How can anyone make a comparison between the medical treatment of newborns and the systematic genocide of Jews in the Second World War? If any Dutch journalist dared to put something like this on paper, he'd be forced to rectify it in public.

How do you guys (since most of the people here are N-American) put up with this Fox 'News'? I'm guessing this subject has already been beaten to death...but it still kinda shocks me that the US has media like this at the present age and I'm interested in your opinions.

Here's another grrreat video: http://mediamatters.org/static/video/cc-200412010011.wmv
:lol: :lol: :lol:

that's actually the only thing i can say about it

The Dutch are now grappling with their open border policy. They have admitted thousands of radical Islamists who have not assimilated and are threatening the stability of the nation.

this is true though
bone said:
The Dutch are now grappling with their open border policy. They have admitted thousands of radical Islamists who have not assimilated and are threatening the stability of the nation.

this is true though
Not it's not. What open border policy? Holland now has a very strict immigration policy. It is widely recognized that the current problems have to do with 3rd of even 4th generation of immigrants. I will admit that it is becoming more and more obvious that the Western European attitude of tolerance (which can also be explained as apathy, indifference or a general 'mind your own business and I'll mind mine') has severe downsides on the long run. There is something to be dealt with, true.

'Threatening the stability of the nation'. I would like to further comment on that but I have to get back to building my bomb shelter in case the war breaks out :lol:
snars said:
I will admit that it is becoming more and more obvious that the Western European attitude of tolerance (which can also be explained as apathy, indifference or a general 'mind your own business and I'll mind mine') has severe downsides on the long run.
I'm not neccesarily disagreeing with this or the rest of the stuff you said, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this statement (you can interpret in several ways), can you explain?

Interesting articles that are somewhat relevant I suppose (not saying I'm agreeing with anything in them) :

(Here's a discussion on another forum related to those articles
http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=678526 )
Fox News is great. Just because you disagree with what they write doesnt make them horrible.
FOX news suck, only Bush lovers will tell you they aren't biaised and they're great.

Everyone else know they're ridiculously and obviously biaised and ignorant.
Some people say Fox News is Right-Wing Propaganda. Btw. watch Outfoxed It's realy interesting to see how they work.
It's so funny, because their manipulative techniques are so easy to see through
for the common man. They could have had a textbox at the bottom of the screen
saying : This is propaganda, and these same people would still claim it's fair and balanced.
Hahaha :D
Only in America, only in America.... :roll:
Renesis said:
FOX news suck, only Bush lovers will tell you they aren't biaised and they're great.

Everyone else know they're ridiculously and obviously biaised and ignorant.
It may be true that Bush lovers think FOX News is wonderful, but it is also true that Bush haters unanimously hate FOX News.

A real challenge is to operate outside of this sensationalist mentality and realize that all news from all sources is biased. It's much too easy to point a finger at FOX News without looking at where you get "news" from yourself.
Fox news is definitely geared toward a certain audience, and they don't hide it.
That scares me a lot less then news programs that claim to be neutral, on the surface appear to be neutral, but in reality are biased.

zenon said:
A real challenge is to operate outside of this sensationalist mentality and realize that all news from all sources is biased.
I agree.

swek said:
Here's a Link to an Article about a Study that shows how misinformed FOX News viewers are about Iraq,WMDs,Afghanistan etc. http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/000714.html
Interesting, but it doesn't necessarily mean that FOX News is the cause of the misinformation.
zenon said:
Renesis said:
FOX news suck, only Bush lovers will tell you they aren't biaised and they're great.

Everyone else know they're ridiculously and obviously biaised and ignorant.
It may be true that Bush lovers think FOX News is wonderful, but it is also true that Bush haters unanimously hate FOX News.

A real challenge is to operate outside of this sensationalist mentality and realize that all news from all sources is biased. It's much too easy to point a finger at FOX News without looking at where you get "news" from yourself.

I watch tons of different media from all over the world, and then make my own idea (esp during big evenments like wars)

BBC world (UK), TV5 (France), FOX (US), CNN (US), and french canadian + english canadian media.

I'd watch others if they were available too
MPower said:
Renesis said:
FOX news suck, only Bush lovers will tell you they aren't biaised and they're great.

Everyone else know they're ridiculously and obviously biaised and ignorant.
What??? Are you saying that everyother news channel isnt biased??? :lol: :roll: You just hate them because they are biased against your views.

read well moron

EDIT: forget that, I'm just in a bad mood atm, sorry
If we're going to have a pro-US news channel on our airwaves, it would be in the interest of balance to have a pro-Muslim news channel to see what is being fed to the Islamic world. It'll be nice to see how an event is being portrayed to two completely different audiences by two completely different points of view.
I get Al-Jazeera 8) (don't know why, Norway isn't exactly the center of muslims)

Euronews is good, they are the most objective/biased news channel I have ever seen.
They even have a part called "no comment", there are only video without voiceover.
You'll just have to make up your own mind about stuff.