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Dec 9, 2003
Decorah, IA
2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STI (USDM)
I just ordered 128 frikadellen from www.mrcroquette.com in Canada. :)

[homer]mmm.... frikadellen..... drool...[/homer] :p

(Sorry, probably completely boring and irrelevant to most people, but I'm all exited about it. :oops: )
what's that exactly? looks like sausage.. and why do you buy food on the net? :?
Well I would drive to Canada to get it, but this way I don't need to.
It's a kind of sausage with meat that is very finely minced, and some spices added to it.
Originally it's from Indonesia I believe, but it's very popular in the Netherlands.
(The people that are selling it in Canada are Dutch immigrants).
Together with some minced onions, friet saus (mayonaise) and curry ketchup, this is to die for (well at least I think so).
Well I would drive to Canada to get it, but this way I don't need to.
It's a kind of sausage with meat that is very finely minced, and some spices added to it.
Originally it's from Indonesia I believe, but it's very popular in the Netherlands.
(The people that are selling it in Canada are Dutch immigrants).
Together with some minced onions, friet saus (mayonaise) and curry ketchup, this is to die for (well at least I think so).

My background is Dutch (my father was born in Holland, and my granparents is/were Dutch citizens), so I know what frikadellen are all about. Where I live, there is a large "Dutch - Canadian" population like me, and a local restaurant has the best Frikadellen in town on their menu....MMMMMMMMMMMM :D
i'd much rather have Smuddeh and Sallot (good romanian food) or some apfel struedel (great german food) :D
I can't stand apfel struedel.
What is Smuddeh and Sallot? (I suspect you misspelled it, since I couldn't find anything on google).
WTF fine dutch and european food??? MOEHAHAHAHA

sir_dude, i don't realy know, but aren't they called frikaNdellen (that's what i always call them).

and they're just plain groos. they're made of flour and grinded bones. there is no meat in them at all. i honnestly rather have a burger from somewhere (with all the grease and stuff) than those filty frikandellen
i havent heard of a single dish/product/thing that u guys are talking about....but then again i have been a meat eater for only 5 yrs now :roll:
Yeah you're right it's FrikaNdel...and I don't know it's true but "the word on the streets" is that it is made of animale wasteproducts...but it tastes good :wink:
Actually it's Apfelstrudel and Frikadelle.
At least in German... :wink:

Well, can you show me a picture of the Frikadellen you mean?

I was talking about balls made of hamburger meat/minced meat with spices. (and pieces of onion)
You were talking about sausages??

These are what I'm talking about, whether or not the shape is simply different in Germany, I don't know.

And as for the spelling, I believe that frikaNdellen is incorrect, and that frikadellen is.
For Dutch people, see http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Veel_voorkomende_spelfouten

Also I'm not sure I want to know how or what they are made of, and neither do I want to for hot-dogs, but they sure taste great :D .
hehe...I went to www.mora.nl that's the big company in Holland wich makes all sorts of meatproducts...and it sais Frikandellen....in German it's Frikadelle

(If you really want to check me...www.mora.nl-->Skip Intro-->Snacks...and the first thing you see is "Frikandel"... :mrgreen:
It seems that you are correct, and that website that I listed is incorrect.

"Van Dale" Dutch dictionary definitions:

fri?ka?del (de ~, ~len)
1 [Belg., inf.] gehaktbal

fri?kan?del (de ~ (m.), ~len)
1 snack, bestaande uit een rolletje gehakt vlees => berenlul
Frikadel = meatball = (The German version? Does [Belg.] mean that's Belgian?)
Frikandel = sausage = The Dutch version
i never heard of a meatball called a frikadel. in belgium, we call those meatballs "bouletten" :p
I have checked it in the german, english and dutch dictionary and they all say; Frikadel...so I think Mora is wrong and you are right! Congrats! :p

[edit] My sister just told me that it was on the news recently...you can use both words.... :)
See this kind of crap is why I never liked the Dutch language :evil: :lol: .