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Fuck the DEA


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The latest move in a recent crackdown against marijuana. Very unfortunate news.
I've been saying it for years. Canada is the USA's bitch.
Canada and Mexico are the hat and socks of the USA.

If anything, Canada should have tossed back those american soldiers that didn't want to go to Iraq.
"Like other drugs, marijuana harms the innocents."

What a load. U.S. marijuana propaganda at its most blatantly ignorant.
Firecat said:
Canada and Mexico are the hat and socks of the USA.

If anything, Canada should have tossed back those american soldiers that didn't want to go to Iraq.
They said they would, but they didn't.

I love how when something happens involving the US people automatically go, "OMG look at the typical US <insertanythinghere>", as if it doesn't happen in any other country.
The fact is it's 100% legal to sell seeds in Canada. The courts have never applied any law regarding the trafficing of seeds, if such a law exists. You can't extradite someone when both countries have different laws on the matter.

Two, there's some relief in knowing our country has enough sane judges in the system, there's a good chance a judge will drop this case entirely. This crackdown was done entirely by the DEA, all they did was give the RCMP the names and places, and they did the dirty work. Not surprising.

Three, there are tens of seed sellers in Canada. I can walk into any hemp shop in the GTA and pot seeds infront of a cop. Why isn't America extraditing anyone else? It's because Marc Emery is a political activist. A majority, I'd say close to all, of his profit from sale of seeds goes to the BC Marijuana Party and generally to any needs that exist in the Marijuana community. He's a thorn in America's side and this was the only way to get rid of him. Some say he shouldn't have flaunted his law-breaking, and that he should have avoided selling to Americans, but what's the point in that?

If a judge overturns the request for extradition, this will be a massive blow to the prohibitionists. If a judge ships him over to America, it's a massive blow to Canadians and their rights.
zenkidori said:
Firecat said:
Canada and Mexico are the hat and socks of the USA.

If anything, Canada should have tossed back those american soldiers that didn't want to go to Iraq.
They said they would, but they didn't.

I love how when something happens involving the US people automatically go, "OMG look at the typical US <insertanythinghere>", as if it doesn't happen in any other country.

Name other countries...
This section got pretty stale.

To drag up an old thread, I would say that it's really the fault of the Canadian govt. they are the ones who let Canadians down and allowed the DEA to make thier arrest.
The arrests were carried out at the direction of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with the assistance of Vancouver police. There is some suspicion that the Vancouver police, as with many Canadian police angry that judges don't give longer sentences to marijuana "criminals" ? and also pissed off that Emery had created an Amsterdam-like scene in Vancouver ? gave their files to the DEA and asked them to take Emery down
I don't agree with sending people to prison for Cannabis at all, but you can hardly point the finger at the DEA only. Without the cooperation of Canadian police this wouldn't have been possible at all. and I guess he hasn't been extradicted yet.