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Game of Thrones

The scene with Cersei and Ellaria Sands

Thought that was a body double...

Hem... Just went back to be sure. The profile of her face is the same and since she had been a lot naked on that show I wonder why they would do it, but you could be right. If it is the case I'll take both of them! :lol:
Lena Headey has never been naked on she show. It has always been a body double. Her face was mounted on the model with a computer.

I mean seriously:

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Yeah I don't get it either... Almost everyone has been naked on GoT at some point, so why bother with doubles....

The walk of shame scene was VERY naked and very long, but last episode it was just a quick glance so I doubt they did all that technical wizardry to not show a bit of ass and side boob
Hot damn...

Gotta love the production quality HBO dedicates to this show.

It was quite a shock to see an episode where so many terrible tragic things could have happened to so many main characters... but didn't.
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Well that was something different.


I am now 90% sure Sansa will snap and do something seriously stupid very soon. I mean she comes to realize all she really did was getting raped and captured while everyone was getting awesome.
The writers are going to have to pull some seriously good ideas out of their ass to stop those dragons....even the Scorpion did not do much except force it to land.....proper awesome superweapons that.
All could think throughout that final scene was "Nice Danger Close mission!".
The writers are going to have to pull some seriously good ideas out of their ass to stop those dragons....even the Scorpion did not do much except force it to land.....proper awesome superweapons that.

Not necessarily, even if Bronn missed, it was still in a way effective in forcing Drogon to land so he could no longer swoop in from any direction. Also, with proof that the Scorpions can harm a dragon and not bounce off like the common archer arrows earlier in the fight, Cersei will want to build more of them. And look! All the gold to repay the crown's debts happened to arrive safely in King's Landing, meaning the Iron Bank would be all too willing to immediately lend some back so that she can pay armorers to make her an arsenal of them to attack the dragons from multiple angles next time, making a kill more likely. I guess what remains to be seen is how quickly dragons heal, as if it takes them a while a kill shot won't be necessary to remove them from the fight. Although judging from next episode's trailer it doesn't take Drogon long.
That is all true....but they also showed their hand a bit and now Daenerys and company can adjust their strategies accordingly. That is speaking logically and strategically though, so its really up to the writers on whether they want the characters to be that smart about it or not.

I'll be honest, its actually been kinda cool for stuff to actually go a bit right for some people who have been having a hard go of it. It definitely feels like the start of wrapping the story up, what with less and less factions (either by death and defeat or alliances) it is coming down to one faction winning Westeros and going after the White Walkers.

It just remains to be see whether the writers decide to go the cruel route (or rather when) and which person/group will get it.
She needs to teach the dragons to tunnel underground. If you can't attack from above... :p
how did jamie get knocked off the horse on the beach and fall into deep water o_O

Somewone tackled him into the water, it's very evident. It's not shown who, but I'm guessing it's Bron, kinda looks like him when you pause the video.
Also, I wonder if Jamie will be captured, ep 5 preview doesn't show.