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Gathering Stuff

Dec 9, 2003
Decorah, IA
2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STI (USDM)
Wow I think even if i had the fastest internet connection in the world, I would still manage to max it out.
I just checked what my "collection" had grown to, essentially using a 56k connection:

400+ movies.
1100+ tv episodes, not counting Top Gear / Fifth Gear
You managed to get 400+ movies and over 1000 tv episodes on a 56K connection?! :shock:
Cruzz563 said:
You managed to get 400+ movies and over 1000 tv episodes on a 56K connection?! :shock:
Well it's not truly a dial-up 56k connection, it's a 128k wireless DSL connection, but it's capped at 56k by my ISP because of "abuse" :lol: .
Basically, I have a dedicated download machine that's on 24/7.
i dunno how much i've downloaded, i just know every year i do a spring cleanup and throw away hundreds of cds...

i've cut back though...but now dvdr's are replacing divx, so my bandwidth is probably being used the same even though i download less...(that make sense?)
So how long does it take to download an episode of Top Gear?
About half an hour or so, I do that at work :mrgreen: .
But to download similar sized tv show (let's say enterprise), I start the download on friday night / saturday morning with emule and I'll have it by wednesday night.
Now mind you that is with about 20 or so other files in the emule queue, so it's not a constant download of just that file.
I think a dedicated http / ftp download of that size would be about 15, 16 hours or so.
About half an hour or so, I do that at work :mrgreen: .

But to download similar sized tv show (let's say enterprise), I start the download on friday night / saturday morning with emule and I'll have it by wednesday night.
Now mind you that is with about 20 or so other files in the emule queue, so it's not a constant download of just that file.
I think a dedicated http / ftp download of that size would be about 15, 16 hours or so.

Dedication. 8)
I have about 50gb of Videos, (Movies and TV shows) and to my friends... it is considered alot... just realized it is nothing compared to ESPNSTI :D