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Getting paid to be lazy?

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Vette Boss

Forum Addict
Nov 14, 2004
United States, Britain, in time
2006 Volkswagen Passat 3.6 VR6
I found this website that pays you to view their ads, you start out at making $0.45 an hour. [link removed]

Anyone over the age of 13 can signup, and there are no limitations on what country you can live in. Outside of the US, money will be sent through PayPal, you can get a check if you live in the US.

You can trick it using Mozilla Firefox and a couple of extensions, you don't have to view any ads or anything, just leave a window open with their site. Basically, you get paid to sit on your ass. ;)

More information on how to hack Mozilla to make it un-obtrusive can be found here: [link removed]

I've been using it since last night, and it really does make you some extra cash, already earned $1.77. You can actually earn $324 every month if you leave your computer on all the time.
hehe we used to do this at uni, we had free power and free electricity. it worked though referal's. I used to get a cheque for 30 pounds a month. The bloke who found the site was earning 150!!!

we all had programs that pretend to browse the net while you were down the pub :)
Smart man...gettting some referrals through that one :) Do you get anything just for referrals, or is it only based on the referral's work?

*Edit: I guess you didn't read the "Spam" part of their "Terms of Service" :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't worry, I won't report you
lol... gna try it when I get home... I don't know if my paypal account is working... I forgot the password... lol... I only used it once to buy Jordan's auto-biography :lol:
Okey I signed up, I opened a window (IE on this comp) and I just let it open at all times?

I like this, I'll leave my comp on every day, let's see how much Bling I can afford after this.
hmmm i saw this on another forum too.. hmmm am still trying to figure what are negatives on this one.. there must be something.. what if i don't get referrals, just me with the browser on all the time.. i'll still get money? and they won't care? :|
Activity Points: 1
Payment rate: $0.45 per hour
Hours spent surfing: 0.01

I only opened the browser...and they seem to accept that...waiting for my first 45 cents though..
alot of people say its a scam, whats so scam about it? if you guys say u really get paid.. i don't get it?
i can't hack this shitty firefox.. the link to the extension is dead or something.. :/
I'm so glad someone is making a comeback. I remember AllAdvantage all too well :).

I signed up and already have 4 hours of web surfing done :thumbsup:

Now I need some referrals.
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