• The development of any software program, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) system, is prohibited using the contents and materials on this website.

God damn you BBC legal department!

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Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
[edit] Thread locked because the topic has been beaten to death. Just look around on sites like www.Mininova.org if you want Top Gear torrents. [/edit]

Well, turns out that it wasn't Ev1 that had the problem but that the BBC complained. :cry: pulse just obtained a copy of the cease & desist:

Brand Protection Department
BBC Worldwide Limited
80 Wood Lane
W12 0TT

Everyones Internet Inc
2600 Southwest Freeway
Suite 500
TX 77098
By email to dmca@ev1.net

Date: May 27th 2005

RE: Copyright Infringement.

This notice complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. ?512(c)(3))

I swear under penalty of perjury that I am authorised to act on behalf of British Broadcasting Corporation (?BBC?) and BBC Worldwide Limited (?BBCW?), who are the owners of the copyright in TOP GEAR.

It has come to my attention that the website < http://www.finalgear.com > is facilitating the electronic distribution of copies of BBC and BBCW works. It is my good faith belief that the use of BBC and BBCW works in this manner is not authorised by the copyright owner, his agent or the law. This is in clear violation of United States and International copyright law.

The works are:
Multiple episodes of TOP GEAR motoring show

The following URLs identify the infringing files and the means to locate them:


The information in this notice is accurate and I request that you immediately remove or disable access to all the infringing material, confirming to this office when you have done so.

Brand Protection
BBC Worldwide Ltd ? London - UK
March 27th 2005
e-m: antipiracy@bbc.co.uk
So... yeah. :|
Whee.. :/ So yeah, when ev1 goes back to them and says the problem has been solved, they're going to check and see it's just moved hosts.. I don't think we'll escape this one that easily..

Maybe it really is time just to move to mininova or something decentralised..

We don't have any *stupid* BBCw shows, hosted <_<

Com'on guys help us! Jeremy, Richard, James...Stig? :cry:

I guess the nextstep would be to seperate this site and the releases. THis a fan site. And if all the episodes would be released on large torrent boards.. well that would then be a coincidence. (no splash screen :| )

Or tell the bbc to FO?
TechZ said:
BBC arent very nice anymore. Theyre on the "list" now :p


Kip_6666 said:

I guess the nextstep would be to seperate this site and the releases. THis a fan site. And if all the episodes would be released on large torrent boards.. well that would then be a coincidence. (no splash screen :| )

Or tell the bbc to FO?

Hopefully that will werk, as it seems like the logical way to go...
How stupid is that...you're not even making money out of it.

You are actually spreading Top Gear, more people know about Top Gear and might buy merchandise or whatever.

Maybe the topgearguy knows some things that can be worked out..
Couldnt we just go post the links on someone elses site or doesnt that evade the problem?
Yay, we're slowly moving into the underground. Check back next week for TG torrents and a brand new online crack shop. :lol:
All Top Gear downloads are offline... again. :cry:

It's not like we're distributing a show that you can get on DVD or something. We're just a fan site that's trying to allow people who'd never otherwise be able to see the shows. :(
Are you gonna email back viper?

Ooh damn, luckily I just downloaded the torrent 2mins ago from the 29th TG 8)
Jostyrostelli said:
Are you gonna email back viper?
Most likely not. No way in hell they'd ever actually officially allow this site. I thought they'd look the other way and let us do our thing, but I guess not.
I wonder if it's just this site or if the BBC are trying to target everybody. I've seen TG torrents on several different sites.

Anyway keep us up to date viper, thx

:censored: :( :dunno:
No way in hell they'd ever actually officially allow this site

Wouldn't hurt to try ;)
Just mention the part where you don't make money off of it and that this way people who don't get the BCC can still watch TG ;)
Here is an idea: Use that mailing list that viper has been working on or something similar to send out the links to torrents, but say nothing at all about having them on the site nor post any links to them on the site. I am sure that this site is not the only one that the bbc is looking at so i do not think they are going to look so hard as to figure something like that out
damn... this is turning into a big problem... I thought we wouldn't have a problem with TG because you can't even buy it in the first place, so bbc has no extra looses :(
I doubt appealing to their better side will work, they can't make exceptions to the rules, it would be unfair. I hoped the bbc wouldn't be too bad but obviously not :(
It's not like they lose any money 'cause of this site. Aside from of these torrents I have no access whatsoever to Top Gear eps. This is just a load of negative PR for them.

Or maybe this has something to do with the online download archive thing they're working on?
Are they going to charge money for it?
They probably think people who download here won't pay for BBCWorld to watch the episodes.

:censored: ing legal departments have nothing to do so they look stuff they can ruin.
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