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Google Rebuffs Feds on Search Requests

Wow, I can't believe they can actually subpoena search engines for this. Considering that the US isn't the only country to use search engines, I'd like to know how the US government thinks it can lay claim to the information. :roll:

Major, major props to Google for not complying. :thumbsup:
Go Google!
Google — whose motto when it went public in 2004 was "do no evil" — contends that submitting to the subpoena would represent a betrayal to its users, even if all personal information is stripped from the search terms sought by the government.

Damn right. But how do we know the US doesn't just hack into the google computers and steals the information? Or don't they do that?
Viper007Bond said:
Go Google!


Yahoo = Wussy Company With No Backbone :thumbsdown:

jensked said:
Google ? whose motto when it went public in 2004 was "do no evil" ? contends that submitting to the subpoena would represent a betrayal to its users, even if all personal information is stripped from the search terms sought by the government.

Damn right. But how do we know the US doesn't just hack into the google computers and steals the information? Or don't they do that?

Well, there's always that possibility. Or maybe Google is secretly allowing them to, while publically appearing not to. Let the conspircies begin!
Wow, Google is so concerned about our privacy. Wait...the same Google that just agreed to censor the queries of it's Chinese offspring according to Gouvernment regulations. Seems like they only care if there's free press involved.
I beg to differ. They always made a big fuss about how they differ from other corporations in the business like Microsoft for example. They even went as far and made "Don't be evil" their maxim. So they can be rightly criticized if they behave like Anycorp Inc.
The whole China business isn't really bad. There are numerous ways around thier weak ass filtering, and the chinese already know about it, you can just misspell words slightly and get the results you're looking for. Some google is better than no Google in China. However in the US, companies have the room to do things like this, one does not reflect on the other. Afterall, Google is a publicly traded company, the job of which is solely to make money for investors, it's pretty cool that they are doing anything at all unlike other companies(M$, Yahoo) that are also bending to the Chinese anyway.

There are two choices in China, make the motions to please the Chinese government, doing just enough to get in while still allowing the chinese access to whatever they want in a round about way, or offer the Chinese no google search engine and even less information.

Honestly, who cares about China? Is it the responsability of a US based company to look out for the Chinese? FUCK NO! But it is in thier best interests to look after things in the US, these are totally different things here.

Would you be up in arms if a US company censored thier product to not contain certain things that are banned in Germany, perhaps relating to the war? It's just the cost of doing business in Germany even tho many people see it as a free speech violation, same shit. It's the Chinese government you should blame, not google.
^^ I have to agree with your take on the China issue. What is the worse evil? No information (no google) or some information (filtered google)?

A few months ago, I saw a debate between Michael Lev and Bates Gill (funny name) on US-Asia relations, and the censorship of the internet in China came up. Both seemed to agree that young people in china were pretty unhappy about all of this. I wonder how the introduction of a neutered google will affect these people.

Oh, and I suppose this is my first post here, hello everyone.
The internet will be the downfall of communist China, like how Pepsi and Levis were to the former USSR.