This is an unfortunate event. I'm more than happy to continue hosting the forum and everything else, that doesn't need to move, but the torrents.. probably have to go elsewhere.
It's not a case of simply "waiting and seeing what happens" - this is a business that I run, and we simply can't afford to start losing servers.
With that said, I also don't believe this is just the hosts 'meddling', nor that they've seen the hits rise to the site and checked it out. The hosts, in this instance, do little more than provide 100mbps connection to a server. They don't see which site gets hits (we maintain the servers, not them), and there are sites that I host that get 50x the hits of this one, they're not going to notice a thing. Also, if it were the hosts, they would have seen 5th Gear, and listed that as well. It's a little too odd that they've ONLY listed the Top Gear download directories to be removed, when it's plainly obvious there are 2 shows hosted here.
Added to which, the BBC has complained about a number of torrent sites in the recent past, hosting shows such as East Enders etc.
For the time being, I'd say the best idea is to either store the torrents offsite on another server and link to them from here (in that way the upstream providers can't complain, as we're not hosting ANYTHING) or using a central handful of sites and uploading the torrents to them (mininova, piratebay, etc).
What a bitch.