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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec, VW Passat 118TSI
I was just having a *ahem* study break, and played a little solitaire. Well I think you can see from the pic how gutted I was...


Has anyone come closer than 2 cards away and not been able to finish?
Hold control + alt + shift and click on the deal card thing. :p
Yeah, back from the Windows 3.11 days. ^_^
Yes but that would be cheating!!
One card. The closest I ever gotten to beating the game without actually winning is one card. Mainly because all the cards I really needed were underneath in the stacks...
that's actually not locked yet ... you could move the 7 of spades over the 8 of hearts ... then you could put your 8 of diamonds up in the order, then you move the 8 of hearts and the 7 of spades over the 9 of spades, and then you put the 9 of clubs up in order too, so now you released a card that can most probably help you.

problem solved, you weren't locked at all :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
Ok fair enough, it was late at night... :?