• The development of any software program, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) system, is prohibited using the contents and materials on this website.

Have they never heard of graphics optimization?


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
I mean comon, at 1024x768, all settings as best as I can get them, no AA/AF, I get like 30-40 FPS with my 6800GT OC, P4 3.0GHz, 2 gigs of RAM PC.

WTF? :x
Yeah, I can even get t good FPS on my laptop, and it has on board video and a celeron :?

I know what you mean, it doesn't seem like a high-end system pays off with this game.
I have a few things turned off, no fps probelm here, also 1024x768
laptop, mobile amd athlon xp 2500+, 64mb ati, 512ram
^^^ what is your FPS rate?
i get around 70-80fps in single player alone, and with 10cars iget around 1/2that, around 30on start, and when the field loosens a bit about 40-45
Something wrong with your setup, Viper? I get that much and I only have a lowly old AIW 9800PRO... Too much RAM might actually be bad for games though, 1gb is best, I believe running 2gb loses dual-channel if you use four sticks.

Which track were you running and how many AIs were there? Mine plummets down to like 20fps if a lot of AI cars are around.

Dunno, I run 1152x864x32 @ 100hz with 2xfsaa 2xani, and I get 40fps at a minimum on south city classic at hotlap start.
P4 1.8 1GB memory, Geforce TI4400.

I'm using these settings:

im running it in 16bit (sure not that pretty as 32bit, but perfectly fine) 1024x768 with these settings

^ I'd turn off haze effect, that sucked the life out of things for me.
I don't know much about the game, but a few options can really suck up your video memory therefore causing a low FPS.

I bet Viper has all the options on and all the graphical settings pretty high.
Vette Boss said:
Something wrong with your setup, Viper? I get that much and I only have a lowly old AIW 9800PRO... Too much RAM might actually be bad for games though, 1gb is best, I believe running 2gb loses dual-channel if you use four sticks.

Which track were you running and how many AIs were there? Mine plummets down to like 20fps if a lot of AI cars are around.
My motherboard doesn't suck. :p


And I was running 10 AI, but I don't think it matters. I'll try with just me to see.

jayjaya29 said:
I bet Viper has all the options on and all the graphical settings pretty high.
32bit, everything maxxed.


I just realized what the "mirror" settings meant (what's displayed in the mirrors -- I thought it was referring to like mirroring the images) and I'll turn a lotta those options to mirror as I don't need the graphics in my mirrors to look pretty. :)
I could be wrong, but I believe that either dither or mip filter (or both) doesn't do anything for quality, and should be turned off.
Below is a portion of the unofficial lfs faq ( http://forum.rscnet.org/showthread.php?t=58996&highlight=manual ).
It was the dither you can turn off if you run 32 bits.

The Unofficial Live for Speed FAQ said:
6.3 Graphics

As a general rule, the left most buttons are lower detail/faster and right most or higher detail/slower

User LOD - Users view level of detail
Lower = Faster (Rec: 1.0)

Dust LOD - Dust/Smoke level of detail
Lower = Faster (Rec: 0.8 )

Mirror LOD - Level of detail in rear view mirror
Lower = Faster (Rec: 0.1)

Screen width affects LOD - LOD increases as resolution increases above 1024x768 or LOD decreases as res decreases below 1024x768.
Res lower than 1024, On = Faster
Res set at 1024 = No difference to speed or quality
Res higher than 1024, Off = Faster

Mips Bias - Mip Mapping prevents pixel granularity when approaching a texture by rendering it several times at differing resolutions. As the viewpoint approaches the texture, the texture is scaled up, until a certain threshold, when the rendering engine loads the next higher resolution texture.
Higher = Faster (Rec: -2.0 - Best soft/clear balance anyway right?)

Mirrors Mode - [Off, Real, Virtual]- Turns mirrors off, puts them in the cockpit (kinda out of site) or locates them at the top of your screen. (Shift M to turn on and off in game)
Off = Fastest (Rec: Off - Look behind or turn on in game when needed)

Clocks Mode - [Off, Real, Virtual]- Turns clocks off, puts them in the cockpit (on the dash) or locates them at the sides of your screen. (Shift F to turn on and off in game)
Off = Fastest - Rec: Virtual

Shadow type - [Off, Low, High]- Type of shadow underneath cars
Lower = Faster (Rec: Low Res)

Simple wheels - [Off, Mirror, All]- Draws a simple wheel polygon shape nowhere, just in mirrors, or everywhere.
All = Faster (Rec: Mirror)

Disable trees - [Off, Mirror, All]- Draws trees everywhere, just in mirrors, or nowhere.
All = Faster (Rec: Mirror)

Disable flags - [Off, Mirror, All] - Draws flags everywhere, just in mirrors, or nowhere.
All = Faster (Rec: Mirror)

Simple Car - [Off, Mirror, All] - Draws simple car nowhere, just in mirrors, or everywhere.
All = Faster (Rec: Mirror)

Simple Track - [Off, On] - Draws simple track nowhere or everywhere.
On = Faster (Rec: Off)

Highlights on wheels - Light reflections on wheel rims
Off = Faster (Rec: On)

Enable dither - Dithers shading of textures, visually apparent at 16-bit. Scawen says dither is very efficient so running 16 bit with dither on should be quicker and visually imperceptible to running 32 bit with dither off. Personnally I don't notice any FPS difference between 32 and 16 so I just stick to 32 with dither off.
16/32:Off = Slightly Faster (Rec: 16bit:On, 32bit:Off)

Enable Mip filter - Enables filtering (bilinear? trilinear? anisotripic?) which blends the MIP stages together to smooth out the transitions between each one.
Off = Faster (Rec: On)

Use 2X textures - Modern card feature so that in brightly sunlit areas its textures are nicely saturated. This should be On but some cards have a bug and fail to draw untextured surfaces at 2X intensity.
On/Off = No speed difference (Rec: On)

Use multitexturing - Allows modern cards to multitexture in one pass (reflections / shadows).
On = Faster (Rec: On)

Half texture size - I think this is all about how much texture RAM your machine has, and how fast your RAM is. With most modern cards you should have enough ram, and the bandwith is enough to not take too much of a hit. If however your computer has integrated video sharing the standard RAM, then halfing the amount used, and thus only having to read half size textures from RAM.
On = faster (Rec: Off)
Alright, getting a constant 50-60 fps now when it's just me on the track. Not bad. :)

Running 1600x1200 now too as I only drop 5 FPS at a higher res.
^ now you only need to practice soutch city classic, with one of these cars - fxo, turbo, rb4 (get a setup from teaminferno.hu) - and dont forget to join in the test league on saturday ;)
1280x1024 medium settings an no problem (asus a7v 256mb ram gef3 :lol: )
I like how resolution changes barely effect the FPS. That's probably because LFS is efficient with its use of graphical memory and utilizes the speed of the gpu instead. I'm perfectly content with 1600x1200x32@70hz and getting 80 fps while idle, ~50 fps while playing. I'm sure I could squeeze more out of it, but whatever :)
I've never noticed anything to be honest. Would it really make a difference if you run 40 or 60 fps ? I mean anything from 30 fps on is fluent.
I use a ATI 9800PRO with an Athlon 64 3000+, roughly equivalent to Viper's Pentium with 512MB of ram. All settings at highest, at 1024x768 with 100fps. It would go even higher, but I limit the FPS to 100. So, Viper *should* be able to run the game just fine.