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HD Loader - Possibly the coolest PS2 accessory ever!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
A friend of mine ordered an HD Loader disk a few weeks ago. He jsut got it recently and we got his PS2 all set up this weekend. It is seriously the greatest thing ever and I can't believe I didn't know about it 'till now! It is possibly the coolest accessory for a PS2 and definetly unleashes tonnes of potential!

The ingredients required:
- PS2 system (of course)
- any spare IDE hard drive (we used a 40gig)
- PS2 Network Adapter
- HD Loader Disk

You simply connect the IDE hard drive to the Network Adapter, slide it in to your PS2, and load the HD Loader Disk (even though Sony packages a hard drive 'designed' for the PS2 with FF11, it's just a standard desktop IDE drive). It brings you to a simple boot menu - you take out the HD Loader Disk, insert any PS2 game (they say 95% of games work, the only one we've tried that hasn't worked is Contra), and select 'Install'. You wait for 5-20 minutes while the data is copied, and then you have a permanent 100% image of the game sitting on your hard drive! :shock: Games seem to vary between 500mb and 3gigs of space on the drive - older games like Midnight Club take up just over 500mb, new games like SSX3 take up 3gigs.

Whenever you want to play a game on your drive, you insert the HD Loader disk, it brings you to the boot menu and you select 'Play'. Because the games load directly off an internal hard disk rather than an optical drive, load times are nearly eliminated. On SSX3 (which has some ridiculously long load times), you don't see a loading screen for more than 2-3 seconds. It is absolutely stunning. Also, in Gran Turismo 3, some of the loading screens don't even show up!

If you want your PS2 to work normally, you simply just stick in the game you want to play. It loads up normally - there isn't any sign that there is a hard drive sitting in your PS2 at all.

This could be of course used for vile, evil purposes (*cough*) such as copying games you don't own onto your hard drive (*cough*), but the usefulness of it is mind blowing. I'm definitely ordering myself one immediately!

We got the disk through Console Source, and it seems to be the best place to buy it from. Find it here: http://www.consolesource.com/ecomm/customer/product.php?productid=1926&cat=&page=1. :D
daniel said:
It doesnt fit to the new PlayStation TWO, so I cant buy it. :wink:
It's worth buying a full size PS2 just so you're able to do this! With an 80gig drive in your PS2 you could have 40-50 games! :shock:

I'm really disliking Sony's logic on the new PSTwo - they should have atleast offered support for external FireWire hard drives. That would take practically no extra work or hardware, and they could rake in the dough on a first party encloser\hard drive (sort of like what they're doing with the FF11 set).
Damn, that's awesome. Now if only I didn't need the PS2 and could just get an emulator. :p
Viper007Bond said:
Damn, that's awesome. Now if only I didn't need the PS2 and could just get an emulator. :p
Um, emulate a PS2? :roll: I'd really like to see that, because as of right now that's impossible.... :? There has just recently been a semi-successful emulation of a Dreamcast (just the basic boot screen\front end). I hightly doubt there is going to be a PS2 emulator for quite a few more years.

Just go buy a PS2 already. :p
Fixed. :roll:
It was only funny the first time.
If I had it, I wouldn't use it much. Rather spend the money on my computer.
Viper007Bond said:
If I had it, I wouldn't use it much. Rather spend the money on my computer.
Same here, I have one and the only thing I do with it is play DVDs on it and play Gran Turismo.
i think its a really bad excasue saying that ur getting a PS2 coz it plays DVD's. i'm nto sure if its the same in ur countries but a DVD machine here is about 300 HKD's and they play everything including fakes. for better looking ones they will only cost a few hundred more.
I'm not sure you're understanding me.
All I was saying is that I play DVDs on my PS2.
That is not however the reason that I bought it.
Playing Gran Turismo is why I bought it.
DVD players are dirt cheap here too.
Yup! I have a jap PS2 and the only games I play on it now are GT1, GT2, GT3, and Driving Emotion Type S. PCs are the way forward! hehe
PC's are good but I think that it must be the inner child in me that really enjoys the part of sitting down in front of your telly and just plug and play. Its so easy. Beeing on the computer really isnt the same. Thats why I dont want an XBOX. Why go middle? :D