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Here's something Scud would love.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I dont hate the jews (there were and are some great jews like Einstein and Ali G :lol: ), and believe that what happened was wrong, but i dont like israel, and i believe that it should not have existed where it does but somewhere else. as for the holocaust debate, this is a free world they are allowed to question these things, who knows they might even see the light after this.
Why shouldn't Israel exist?

And I really don't think a debate is needed. Any sane person will tell you that the Holocaust happened. I find it truly offensive to the 6 million Jews that were slaughtered that this discussion is even taking place.
The existence of the state Israel is unarguable, but the position was rather stupidly chosen in my eyes.
I think that Iran simply wants to offend the world these days, but will not do anything bad enough which would require the UN to intervene. I expecting that they will continue until the US or Israel attacks them without permission of the UN. Then Iran will try to show the world how powerless and "unfair" the UN is, especially the oil producing world.
hajj said:
The existence of the state Israel is unarguable, but the position was rather stupidly chosen in my eyes.
I think that Iran simply wants to offend the world these days, but will not do anything bad enough which would require the UN to intervene. I expecting that they will continue until the US or Israel attacks them without permission of the UN. Then Iran will try to show the world how powerless and "unfair" the UN is, especially the oil producing world.

I think this is part of the reason,

I found this article the other day. It's got some interesting viewpoints on the recent recklessness of Iran.
I agree. Israel shouldn't exist. Neither should Jordan. IMO, all that land (original British mandate of Palestine) should be one single country
Could've....but he probably literally wants them wiped off......lol
///M said:
Why shouldn't Israel exist?

And I really don't think a debate is needed. Any sane person will tell you that the Holocaust happened. I find it truly offensive to the 6 million Jews that were slaughtered that this discussion is even taking place.

i didnt say it shouldnt exist i said it shouldnt exist where it does !!!!!
Why shouldn't it exist where it does?

Forgetting the occupied territories, why do so many people have a problem with the original allocation? Most of the areas are historically Jewish, not Arab. Unless Arabs and Muslims move on, the issue is always going to be there. It's not like you're going to drive them to the sea, we all saw how that plan ended up.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing Israel kick Iran's ass. It's something Egypt would never be able to do because of the outcry, which would be worse than after Sadat went to the Knesset. Those bastards have a street named after Sadat's assassin in Tehran I believe, so you won't hear me complain when they get their ass handed to them by the IDF.
///M said:
Why shouldn't it exist where it does?

Forgetting the occupied territories, why do so many people have a problem with the original allocation? Most of the areas are historically Jewish, not Arab. Unless Arabs and Muslims move on, the issue is always going to be there. It's not like you're going to drive them to the sea, we all saw how that plan ended up.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing Israel kick Iran's ass. It's something Egypt would never be able to do because of the outcry, which would be worse than after Sadat went to the Knesset. Those bastards have a street named after Sadat's assassin in Tehran I believe, so you won't hear me complain when they get their ass handed to them by the IDF.

I hope the same happens to the bastard sharon and his nation !!!!!
Sharon was a murderer, and i hope he lives to face misery. Iran has not DONE anything, and actions speak louder than words and sharon massacred so many innocent refugees.
You say murderer, they say hero.

One thing you can't refute, if the Arabs had their Sharon, this whole thing would be different. I respect the man for fighting so hard for his country.

Iran is financing and helping Hisbollah, that's reason enough to go after them.
He killed innocent refugees how can u respect him for that ????
i dont know about the hizbollah shizzle (probably not true) but Iran is doing nothing dangerous, they need nuclear power because oil will not remain for ever. Ahmedinejad is a better person than all these other leaders.
Before WW2, most Jews had long moved away from the the current state of Israeal to live elsewhere. The people of Palestine were not responsible for the Holoucast, so why should they give up their homeland to pay for the evil deeds done by the Nazis? More importantly, the creation of Israel is the root of much Middle East violence today.

Seriously, how would you feel if you are forced away from your home?
I realize that there is much animosity over Isreal. However, I don't see it being moved -- by anyone including the UN -- anytime soon. Not so long as the IDF remains one of the best in the world.

Isreal isn't going to move unless someone tries to invade their country. Do you think Iran or Germany or Japan or anyone else would move? Even if the entirety of the UN tells them too? Even at the threat of invasion? No. Isreal has claimed their territory as home for 60 years, and they ain't about to let no one take it from them!

So, I'm not going to gripe about whether or not Isreal has the right to be where they are, but the fact of the matter is, they (the Isrealites) see it as they do, and so they're going to do their damnedest to stay. No matter what that idiot Ahmadinejad says.
I am not saying that Israel should move now; that would be making the same mistake twice. My point is that the western governments offloaded their problem to the Middle East after WW2.
After we killed most of the native americans we didn't ship the rest off to live in Japan now did we?

Israel is just as guilty, if not more so, of supporting terrorism as any Arab or middle east nation.
haha604 said:
Before WW2, most Jews had long moved away from the the current state of Israeal to live elsewhere. The people of Palestine were not responsible for the Holoucast, so why should they give up their homeland to pay for the evil deeds done by the Nazis? More importantly, the creation of Israel is the root of much Middle East violence today.

Seriously, how would you feel if you are forced away from your home?

You're confusing Ashkenazi Jews with Mizrahi Jews.

I totally agree with you, the illegal immigration of non-Semetic Jews is one of the majour problems that should have been dealt with.

I'm from Sinai, so I guess I'd know a little bit about Israel and their tactics of building settlements and what not.

tranceshakeel, just wondering, which massacre are you refering to? If it's Sabra and Shatilla, I tend to put the blame more on the Lebanese that actually went in and comited the atrocity, rather than Sharon who was guilty of ignoring the situation. I don't believe he was guilty of giving any orders, just guilty of being apathetic to the whole situation.

Do you think that the Holocaust had anything to do with the creation of Israel? All I think it did was help accelerate the inevitable. Like I said, there has always been a significant Jewish population in the area.

I realize that there is much animosity over Isreal. However, I don't see it being moved -- by anyone including the UN -- anytime soon. Not so long as the IDF remains one of the best in the world.

That's all that needs to be said. Arabs can hold their breaths 'till their faces turn blue, and continue to deny the state of Israel all they want. Nothing is going to get better until you take steps forward. So long as you have idiots like Ahmedinijad who continue to fuel the hate, nothing is going to happen.

About Hezbollah:

The party was long supported by Iran, which provided it with arms and money.

In its early days, Hezbollah was close to a contingent of some 2000 Iranian Revolutionary guards, based in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, which had been sent to Lebanon in 1982 to aid the resistance against Israel.

As Hezbollah escalated its guerrilla attacks on Israeli targets in southern Lebanon, its military aid from Iran increased.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1908671.stm

Should give the next PM of Israel more reason to get rid of the idiots over there and maybe bring back good old, secular Persia.
zenkidori said:
After we killed most of the native americans we didn't ship the rest off to live in Japan now did we?

No, we only shipped them off to some dusty hell hole out in the western reaches of the US somewhere. I think they call them "reservations".
Re: Here's something Scud would love.

///M said:

Be sure to book front-row seats to this conference, bud. It's right up your anti-semetic alley.
:clap: :thumbsup: :lol:

I assume that you've read his inane rantings from here, huh? I'm looking forward to his witty riposte on why he thinks the whole thing was just a cute little lie. :roll:

Is Ahmadinejad the next Iraqi Information Minister?
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