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'Hidden' LFS features.


Forum Addict
May 29, 2004
I play this game for over a year now and yesterday someone told me I could use SHIFT-U to edit the track... :lol:

So here they are.

SHIFT-U - Edit the track. (Also in Replay, different camera angles)
F2 & F3 - In replay, Fast Forward and ReWind.
2 - Saves replay.

Know more? Post them here.

I'll copy your post and put it in the list to keep the thread simple.
Edit the Track???
Be right back...

//edit: Ok, I see... You can place objects and stuff... Create a new track fot the empty place... That's how some people tried to reconstruct the TG test track... Their version sucked big time...

Anybody wanna make one???

check this: http://www.liveforspeed.net/?page=keys
u find here all the keys etc ;)

concerning shift+u, hold down right mouse key + move is like in a "3D shooting game", lets u look in all directions 8)
even in shift+u mode, u can press V for different persepctives

some that might be handy to remember ;)

Replay controls
1 watch replay
2 save replay
3 load replay
SHIFT+F2 replay time slow down
SHIFT+F3 replay time speed up

H message history
N names (off / names + connections / names only)

TAB next car
HOME own car

SHIFT-R vote restart race
SHIFT-X vote to end race
SHIFT-S enter pits

SHIFT-U Free view/autox editor
SHIFT+F turn off all screen info
SHIFT+M mirror on/off
ALT + F1-F5 Instant view selection

when u press the "-" key u get that >BLOCK< >UNBLOCK< messege. mancs discovered that that is blocking the text messeges from others. usefull for replays, if u dont wanna have the smileys, and other crap people type all the time :lol: , while u wanna make a movie of it or a screenshot