If you read through the thread thinking that all these photos have too much colour, are too well focused and detailed, then I have good news.
Developed one of two rolls from the analog camera I had with me, here's a couple of snaps from it:
At Koli
Glass grilling cabin @ Ristij?rven pirtti
Dave was playing with the camera
Adrian in the spotlight, Dave's photo again
Sunset at Ristij?rven pirtti
Misrabelle and DaHitch on the lake
Public taking a photo of Eye-Q at Nordkapp
Happy DaHitch at Nordkapp
Group photo at Nordkapp (damn it, Fairlady!)
Playing with their favorite toys
Om nom nom (the spots were disturbingly red IRL
More Norway
Even more Norway
Waiting for the ferry
Most of these are set to private, but you can see the whole album with this guest link: