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How Fast is Your Web Browser?


Forum Addict
Feb 8, 2005
'04 Toyota Sienna, crippled people like vans....
Here's a site that will peform a benchmark on your browser to see how quickly it can execute javascript:

Here's my results:

6.51 seconds

Internet Explorer:
10.26 seconds ------- almost 4 seconds slower!!!!! :lol:

Now, if only firefox would start up quicker...

EDIT: spelling
got my results

firefox: 8.06 seconds

IE 6: 12.76 seconds
How the hell did you end up with such results ?!? :shock:

I tested twive and got 20-somethin' seconds. :(
And I thought my system was pretty good. <_<

How can I improve that stuff ?
  • My computer is :
  • P IV 2.8
  • Cable internet
  • Win XP
  • Firefox
Roman said:
How the hell did you end up with such results ?!? :shock:

I tested twive and got 20-somethin' seconds. :(
And I thought my system was pretty good. <_<

How can I improve that stuff ?
  • My computer is :
  • P IV 2.8
  • Cable internet
  • Win XP
  • Firefox

Athlon 64 for teh win :)
Roman said:
How the hell did you end up with such results ?!?
How can I improve that stuff ?

You can't. In order to get such results you need to be a member of the 1337 Int3rn3t h4xx0r club. And let's be honest you never will bwahahaha.

swek, who is slightly drunk and got a result of 7,99 seconds.
swek said:
swek, who is slightly drunk and got a result of 7,99 seconds.

with firefox?
Ok I managed to get under 18 sec. by turning off Adblock and closing other tabs but this is still slow for my taste.
(And Adblock will go back up since I like to browse Ads-free :) )

Besides switching CPU, can I do something else ?
Would upgrading software do any good ? If so, which ones ??

I wouldn't worry Roman. It's not like we know if this Benchmark test anything that's relevant to your everyday browsing. Could be all useless timebenches as far as I know.
swek said:
I wouldn't worry Roman. It's not like we know if this Benchmark test anything that's relevant to your everyday browsing. Could be all useless timebenches as far as I know.

Yeah, not very many websites throw a gazillion javascripts at you, but most major sites contain atleast a few, so I think this test is somewhat relevant.
35.36 seconds :lol: I think (hope) it has something to do with my ultra crappy connection.
xeonsx, Opera, Windows XP, 4.00GHz 5.47 seconds, Feb 3, at 14:27:32
ranking: 42 out of 502 testers

Thats how you do it :mrgreen:
9.67 seconds, using WinXP, Firefox (with 9 tabs open!), and an Athlon 64 3800+

mgkdk: it has nothing to do with your connection speed (I'm on dial-up)
Roman: think you did the test enough times? :lol:
4.56 seconds with Opera 8.51 AMD64 3200+ 8) 9 tabs open

edit: @Xeon SX :p