How many times has Hammond crashed?


Captain Volvo
Aug 5, 2006
1998 Volvo S70 T5M
Watching the US special episode made me think, how many times has Richard Hammond crashed? He crashed his Dodge Ram in the last episode, crashed with the jet powered car(not actually his fault), rolled over in that minivan (the Bedford?), Crashed into an iceberg with the Bobcat...can't recall any other right now.
We may also count, the Zonda coming out of the parking in France.
James May may be Captain Slow, but at least he doesn't crash:)
he drove into a wall (deliberately)
He drove into a member of the production team's car after a shoot...not deliberately presumably ;-)
Didn't he crash a Porsche Cayenne? IIRC, it deployed the airbag - he thought it might be a soft landing, but it was like being punched in the nose.

Was it the race against the skydiver thing?
Didn't he crash a Porsche Cayenne? IIRC, it deployed the airbag - he thought it might be a soft landing, but it was like being punched in the nose.

Was it the race against the skydiver thing?

Yep, he crashed into a car that he couldn't at the crest of a hill.
This as well
Hahaha YES!! :lol: Brainiac FTW!! That's one of the best segments I've seen so far.

Are we counting the Damper Van sinking as a crash?
Hahaha YES!! :lol: Brainiac FTW!! That's one of the best segments I've seen so far.

While on that topic, here is some more fire-extinguisher aided fun with Hamster.:lol:

hasn't he also once crashed a purple rare italian sportscar (pantera or sth)
but not on tg, jeremy just showed pics of it to make fun of hammond
He's also crashed the Pick Up truck into May's Cadillac numerous times now :)
He was also fooled into smashing his own Ferrari Dino on a quiz show.

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i would have bloody killed them if i was hammond! even if it was a rubbish ferrari that they bought on the show for no money