How Should I Occupy my Time: Stuck in an Airport


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
2008 VW GTI
So like it says in the title I am stick in the San Antonio airport and am board out of my mind. So what to do? Ask final gear of course.

I have four more hours to kill minimum.

iPhone (all movies on phone have already been watched)
creapy priest across from me.
A read copy of EVO magazine

Also I will give +1 to the first person with YouTube links to the 12x07 news uncut.
There's no uncut news for 12x07 yet. You could wander around the airport and try to find a Borders or Barnes and Noble and buy a cheap book that'll keep you entertained for a few hours.
Give the preist the 15$ and ask him to read you the EVO magazine in a 'properly Christian' way.

Might not work on his iPhone?

I suggest, as mentioned before, a paperback book.

Some throwaway action guy stuff. Any Chris Ryan would do, for example. Something you can read once and never again but passes the time. Anything with guns on the cover, really.

Alternatively go eat food and take your time over it. Combine with a pint.
Sadly the top gear site requires flash, which I don't have. Looked for a book store and all I can find is one of those really shifty magazine stores and the only books
They had were romamnce and self help/insperational I want to make money books. Oh and ghost reacon, but it cost more than I was willing to pay. I just started a very long page on how to build a RWD V8 Civic hatch. Should take me an hour or so. Keep up thevthinking you are doing a good job so far.

Edit: the priest just left so I can't have him read EVO.
go to the pub, start chatting with randoms. I was stuck in Auckland airport for aobut 4 hours and bought about $15 worth of beer and it killed the whole time.
Uh, drink?

Is there anything else you do in an airport? :p
That's why I always try and fly through Las Vegas. There's always something do do in that airport.
Hi, sorry I can't be of any help, San Antonio is possibly the most boring airport in the history of existence. I remember once when Dulles was closed down due to some kind of blizzards in the northeast, we got routet through San Antonio on our way back to Munich from Austin, and I could literally find nothing interesting in the entire airport.

Though I will say I encountered a nice security guy, who got into a nice chat with me about the 25 records in my backpack.... I thought he was going to give me shit for it.
Go to the nearest Bentley or whatever store is selling cheap luggage, buy a few super-cheap carryons, and start leaving them in random places in the airport. Enjoy/film the ensuing madness....

Now look at all the nice security guys you have to talk to.
That's why I always try and fly through Las Vegas. There's always something do do in that airport.

Except you would've been just as screwed as far as delayed flights go... the airport shut down yesterday, and it's still not fully operational now. Hooray for fluke snowstorms.
Well thank you for the help.

I went to the bad sports bar and sure enough found an old friend from school. Spent the next several hours chatting with her.

Watching the bomb/drug dog also helped pass the time.

As for vegas, it was their fault my plane was late anyway. I can say San Antonio has the crappiest international airport I have ever been in.
I remember when I was stuck in an airport for 14 hours with nothing but a collection of already read used newspaper columns by Jeremy Clarkson. It was mind-bogglingly boring.