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How to play DTS Audio cd-images?


I paid for this title
Jun 9, 2004
I got "the best of Jimi Hendrix" from bigfoots tracker, and apparently it's in DTS. And no matter what I do, I just hear white-noise. I mounted it with daemon tools, but windows sees it as audio cd. So does every player, and Power DVD. Is it in 5.1 or simply stereo? Anyway, it looks like cd-audio after mounting, so all I get is some random bitstream, and every player thinks it's PCM WAV.
I have external receiver hooked up to audigy via SPDIF if that helps... Although I'm pretty sure PowerDVD can decode DTS.
Yeah it can... I was wondering about that as well... But so far didn't have one... Do you need an SACD Player for that? Or just a DVD one? I got a DVD Playa hooked up with a neat 5.1 system through a DTS capable receiver...

try WinDVD... i use it and it definately works.
The player needs to recognize the bitstream so you cant just use any player that can decode DTS.
just make sure to set it up as multichannel (im not sure if it defaults to 2.0 or ot) but 2.0 sucks hard compared to 5.1 (or quadrophonic)
Does anybody have an advice how to burn it, so that a DVD Player does the Job?

For that, you just need Nero. After burning, you can listen to the musics in any DVD Player (software or standalone)