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Forum Addict
May 29, 2004
Check this Toyota out, it's the FJ Cruiser and I think it looks ALOT better than the Hummer, although it has some similarities.

I would definetly buy one, it looks good, looks tough and reliablity wouldn't be a problem either I think.





I think it would look good if it were in a different color. I'm not really a fan of that shade of blue beside the black and white.
Like this? I like the blue very much! Red doesn't look good IMO and every other color would ruin it...maybe metallic silver.

^ Ya, that looks a lot better.
the front reminds me of the landcruise ultility series.
Dunno, kinda weird looking for me.

Wonder how big it actually, is. Look kinda small. Around the same size as the Klugger (it's called that in Oz, think it got another name elsewhere).

Definitely smaller than the Prado or LandCruiser.
it reminds me of the jeep cherokee with those ugly headlights
and it looks plastic

i don't like it
:yucky: :puke:

That's my opinion.
I love how they kept the old style front grill.
kinda reminds me of the Uber-huge Jeep rescue thing... only smaller

Jeep Rescue

as for looks i think it's pretty ok...

wow... this car really has the rugged look. But if you want pure offroad capability and rugged looks... I'll still take the G-wagon :D
The G-wagon is just somehow the coolest offroader of all time... of course it doesn't look as good as the Range-rover... but the G-wagon just has something that makes me love it. as TG would say... the X-factor :D
i think the wrangler or samurai or the coolest off roaders

G-wagon is cool as well, but totally not worth the money
? taught so to, seen this like 2 years ago
Yeah, it's old, like all new cars they release prototypes.

Some more picas: doesn't look so pimp on the inside does it?





THAT IS AMONG THE WORST INTERIOR I'VE EVER SEEN, would never be able to spend time in there, the rest of the car is also pretty ugly...

:yucky: :thumbsdown: :yucky: :thumbsdown:
wow the interior is tiny...how can this compare to the hummer!hahah...the only toyota which compares with hummer h1 was made long time ago...tat was cool