I used to have a subcription, but decided not to renew it this year and instead got an Australian car magazine.
This was because I had to pay twice as much as you do in Europe, for a trimmed down magazine (although once I complained a couple of times they started sending me the big one).
You also don't receive any of the extras that you get for subscribing in the UK, I think when I did it there was a "I am the Stig" t-shirt and free copy of the Top Gear DVD.
Furthermore you don't get any of the give aways that they have in the UK, like the free Aston & Jag DVD that they had a couple of months ago, or the "cool wall" chart etc. After contacting the company yet again I was told that this was a decision of the company that produces the magazine and that they could do nothing about it.
Last, but not least, is that in my last 12 month subscription I didn't receive a total of 3 magazines! The ones I did get were on time (although for the price I pay I expect a supermodel to fly them naked to my door) and once I complained enough that I didn't receive them the sent me replacements, but this was generally at least a month later.
Basically, because of all these reasons I decided that I would subscribe to the Australian car magazine "wheels" as it is less then half the price, specialises in local content, still has all the big reviews of new cars (as most of them are simply syndicated from the people who appear in Top Gear anyway) so really the only thing I am missing out on it the Clarkson article each month, which I find quite boring and pointless anyway and hardly ever read.
Although that is just my opinion. :lol: