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I want candy... dun dada dada dun dun... I want candy

Usually not a fan of mint, but have been really enjoying York Peppermint Patties lately.
Dabbled down Tescos American aisle, bought a Baby Ruth and a 3 Musketeers. As per usual, they cost more than gold. ?1 for the Ruth and ?1.20 for the Musketeers. The woman had trouble with the barcode and said "So two of these?" Meaning the Baby Ruth I said yes, so conned them out of 20p.

Anyway, the only reason I bought them is so I can go around screaming "Baby Ruwth?"
3 Musketeers is a chocolatey Milky Way covered in shite chocolate. It also made my stomach feel bad, probably all the GM crap.
Baby Ruth: 320 million obese people in America and they can't even make a fucking chocolate bar properly.

Dear USA, you can't make chocolate.
Dear UK, you can't make chocolate either. Galaxy and Cadbury's sucks. They use cocoa for colour and nothing else.
Your Milky Ways don't have caramel in them?
You guys are getting gypped.

Milky Ways DO have caramel here yes (and seem to come in several varieties of different chocolates these days i.e. milk, dark. and I'm pretty sure I've seen white chocolate too). The 3 Musketeers is the same basic idea without caramel. The Baby Ruth one is like a not as good Snickers bar (the Nougat, Caramel, Peanuts ratio is qute different) IMHO.

In general, I would agree with you guys though, American made candy bars are pretty horrible, at least from the large manufacturers like Hershey's and Nestle. There are some exceptions like the Reese's line and few others, but despite my sweet tooth I don't really go for them. I do have a weakness for Toblerone's though, and they are sub-contracted out to Kraft Foods here so technically made here.
3 Musketeers is a chocolatey Milky Way covered in shite chocolate. It also made my stomach feel bad, probably all the GM crap.

Are you sure it's not the bad aftertaste of GUILT in your mouth?
Wasn't on the search for any US chocolate, but came across a 100 Grand.
It smells like the usual American chocolate, however I was not expecting the inside to be like that. :blink: It reminded me of a Toffee Crisp only way way way more fucked up.

Bought some Mamba for the first time in years and its just as good as I remember it.


I think the last time I had it was when I went to Germany 5 or 6 years ago.
Are those like Starburst?
Wish they had move flavors, though, like Starburst. Sour Mamba doesn't count.