I'm not an Easterner and I support Martin. Sadly we have to pick between the lesser of two evils, or three for that matter. Paul Martin might be a thief, but at least he's not a far right-wing lunatic. Besides, how do we know Paul Martin is a thief? The only real proof that we have is the Gomery Inquiry, which for the most part acquitted him.
Don't vote for Harper... he'll put us in a huge amount of debt, he'll ruin our social services (Martin actually is trying to make it better), and worst of all, he'll ruin our international image. He's making a model out of America and that's what he's aim is going to be... he's going to increase vastly military funding and be gung-ho about every conflict that breaks out.
I have no problem with the Conservatives, but this specific reincarnation of the party is just bad. And please don't waste your vote on the Green Party, that's basically throwing away your vote. In a situation like this where you absolutely don't need Stephen Harper, it's no time to make your statements.