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If Stephen Harper becomes the PM of Canada...


Lexus? Oh shi-
May 26, 2005
...look for a lot of unpleasantries. The first of which will be cozying up to America and Bushtaka. :cry: Don't let it happen...
I don't know what I'm going to do.

I hope the Liberal scare tactics work. Stephen Harper is going to be the worst PM we ever have.
Easiest way to understand: Liberal Party is similar to American Democrats (Left) and the Conservative Party is similar to American Republicans (Right). This is pretty generalized of course, but you know.

If Stephen Harper becomes Prime Minister, he's just going to do things just to oppose what the Liberals would have done. He'll jump right into Bush's arms and fuck everything up for Canada.

The Liberals stole money; that wasn't their mistake, their mistake was getting caught. I say forgive them for the sake of Canada's well-being... Harper is not only a weak leader, he's too right wing, and that's just simply to lure in those who are angry at the Liberals.
Harper's going to ruin the Social Security Net. His tax cuts are idiotic and can't sustain the Canadian way of life. He wants to dramatically change the way the government is run, imposing fixed election dates which I imagine would allow his party to stay despite an NDP/Liberal coalition voting them out. He wants to waste time and money revisitng the gay marriage issue. Even people opposed to gay marriage have said what's done is done, there's more important things to deal with. He wants to inrease spending everywhere, while lowering taxes. He wants to get us out of Kyoto, possibly ruining the Canadian image to the world.

There are still quite a few undecided voted, and most of those are in Liberal areas. That's why the scare ads are rolling out with full force. Even if you have no leaning, the Liberals want a vote to save Canada. I'm seriously contemplating voting for them rather than the NDP, which is a bit more to the left.
I wouldn't mind a right wing party that still maintains the things that makes Canada so great.

The Conservatives we have today aren't like that. The Canada they envision is like America Jr., a cut-throat society where the people without money aren't looked out for.

I honestly wouldn't know how I can afford healthcare if it was privatised, and a two-tier system would basically mean if you have money you have the right for faster healthcare, because ultimately the public health part would suffer. I wouldn't know how to pay for university without OSAP. I can go and on, but the fact is the majority of Canada isn't rich, just like any country. What makes this country great is that you don't have to be rich to succeed in life, that's why I don't mind being taxed. I'd rather fix the institutions that we're used to rather than changing the system.

How much would a 2% cut in the GST affect you, honestly? I can't see me saving more than a couple hundred bucks, but overall that could hurt alot of public services that the average Canadian enjoys.
Harper may be a bit of a robot in front of the camera, but I'll take a robot over a known thief any day. The Liberals stole billions of your tax dollars, and it makes me sad that Eastern voters are such sheep that they'll instantly forgive them and vote them back in.

The NDP has an excellent leader in Layton - unfortunately, he leads the most economy-crushing party in Canada. Which means I won't vote for him, because I'm not a big fan of anti-business parties who will drive the country deep into debt.

So, I'll be voting Conservative. Harper hasn't stolen my money like the liberals have, and he won't ruin the economy like the NDP will. Sure, I don't agree with some of his platforms, but no party is perfect.
I'm not an Easterner and I support Martin. Sadly we have to pick between the lesser of two evils, or three for that matter. Paul Martin might be a thief, but at least he's not a far right-wing lunatic. Besides, how do we know Paul Martin is a thief? The only real proof that we have is the Gomery Inquiry, which for the most part acquitted him.

Don't vote for Harper... he'll put us in a huge amount of debt, he'll ruin our social services (Martin actually is trying to make it better), and worst of all, he'll ruin our international image. He's making a model out of America and that's what he's aim is going to be... he's going to increase vastly military funding and be gung-ho about every conflict that breaks out.

I have no problem with the Conservatives, but this specific reincarnation of the party is just bad. And please don't waste your vote on the Green Party, that's basically throwing away your vote. In a situation like this where you absolutely don't need Stephen Harper, it's no time to make your statements.
It's called The Sponsorship Scandal.

It's just become a bandwagon thing where everyone is against the Liberals because of this. Like I said, everyone steals money... there is no government in the world that is not corrupt to a certain degree. Harper will rob us of a lot of what we have now, the least of which is money.
jensked said:
How did they steal so much money?? And do you think other parties don't?

Over a period of 10 years plus the Gomery inquiry cost us as well. Basically Martin was the Finance Minister at the time...nudge nudge :lol:.

I have already voted yesterday. I voted Green since I liked their platform better than everybody elses.

Now the only thing to hope for...higher voter turnout. Last election's 60% was fucking pathetic. I think the next government should implement mandatory voting just like Jury Duty. Don't vote and expect a fine.
At least Martin gave us balanced budgets during his tenure... watch Harper's government put us in trillions of dollars worth of debt in his first two years.
Shawn_230 said:
At least Martin gave us balanced budgets during his tenure... watch Harper's government put us in trillions of dollars worth of debt in his first two years.

That's why I voted Green. That's who I support. I never liked Martin or Harper. Just remember to hope for a minority Conservative government (maybe) and all would not be lost ;).
Ultra_Kool_Dude said:
I'd rather have the Conservatives than the NDP, but I'm voting green.

Mischief007 said:
I have already voted yesterday. I voted Green since I liked their platform better than everybody elses.

So this will be 3 Green Party votes...coming from a pro-car forum! :lol:
I'm gonna bone you guys if Harper wins.
I'd have thought you'd be into that kind of stuff. :yucky:
Yes, but thankfully Kerry didn't win. His platform was just anti-Bushism and he lost. Hopefully the same will happen to Harper... only difference in the situations are the incumbents.