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im lookin for a good digital camera, suggestions...

justin syder

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
New York, USA
1986 Mercedes-Benz 300E
my mom is gonna get me a gift for christmas so i said why not a camera. the NY autoshow is a few months away and I would also use the camera on vacation and when i see nice cars etc etc.

i WILL take pics of me in the SL with the top going down during the next autoshow and a good digital camera will help me do it.

basically i want clear pics and under $200. quality of the pics is the most important, if the camera is a bit hard to use or doesnt have features but gets near perfect quality pics then thats what i would want. i wont use it too often taken pics of flowers or such so tons of features dont really interest me. something that would be best for me, any suggestions?
You gotta go with Canon. Esp, in that price range. For what you need a A75 would be plenty, heck even a A70 if you can still find one.

If you want to get fancy with something thinnier but with less features, the "S" line is more for you but it's usually more expensive.


try their comparometer, you'll be able to compare and you'll see, Canon is superior.
ok that one seems good but there are features that it talks about that i really dont know about. the only features i would need are auto-zoom and adjust to indoor/outdoor lighting.

anyone with any other suggestions?
I'm going to second Renesis' recommendation. The Canon A75 is currently $199.99 USD at Circuit City, and I would highly recommend it.

If you are just looking for a simple camera, and the price, megapixels and zoom are enough, go for it; however, from my personal experience, Canon's produce the best quality for the price. Also, do not get fooled into buying one of the small format cameras (the Canon SD series for example) - no matter how many megapixels they are and how expensive they are, they can not get around the fact that a bigger lens takes better pictures (I'm not talking about zoom or anything like that, but the actual size of the lens opening on the front of the camera). Furthermore, don't be too concerned that the camera has features that you won't use - every single camera on the market will.
i have looked into it and i get some sources saying its quality is not that great.

i looked here for pic sample, http://www.imaging-resource.com/IMCOMP/COMPS01.HTM

i think its good but the pics arent that sharp. i would mostly use the pics to be in my comp, not print so quality has to be number one. the pics would make for desktops etc.

i do like the feature that i can use it to record vid clips of 3min.
justin syder said:
i think its good but the pics arent that sharp.
I'm a bit confused - the pictures aren't sharp compared to what? From looking at those sample pictures, you would have an extremely hard time finding a camera for less than $200 that takes pictures like that.
i guess i would have to pay more to get the quality im looking for :(

unless anyone else has a good suggestion i think ill most likely go with this one.

ill def post good pics of the NYautoshow come April :wink:
I own a Canon PowerShot S410 Digital ELPH. Its 4 Mega Pixels so the quality is really good, but it is pricey. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend and how much you plan on using it.

I use to own a 2 MP Sony camera. It was a really good one, just after a while I wanted something smaller. The picture quality was decent.

For that price point the cannon is a nice camera and frankly if you look at the econo cameras in all the major brands you are pretty solid.
justin syder said:
i guess i would have to pay more to get the quality im looking for :(

unless anyone else has a good suggestion i think ill most likely go with this one.

ill def post good pics of the NYautoshow come April :wink:

pics are in max res, save one and make it 1024x768 or 1600x1200, it'll look much better, any camera at it's max res (whatever it may be) won't look best.
I recommend any Canon. There were two reasons I chose the SD100 over the A75 or A80:

1. The SD100 uses a rechargeable battery. I didn't want to buy millions of alkaline batteries (or a costly rechargeable set).

2. Secure Digital memory cards. All other Canon digital cameras at the time were still using CompactFlash cards. Because of it's size, SD cards are going to be used more and more in cell phones, PDAs, etc. This results in a cheaper prices for SD cards.

Now, I know the A-series of Canon cameras have bigger lenses. This is much better than the S-series, but I like the portability of the smaller cameras. And the small lense doesn't make it a horrible camera, look in the other camera thread to see my pics.
z2so4 said:
I own a Canon PowerShot S410 Digital ELPH. Its 4 Mega Pixels so the quality is really good, but it is pricey. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend and how much you plan on using it.

For that price point the cannon is a nice camera and frankly if you look at the econo cameras in all the major brands you are pretty solid.

I have to agree. I have a PowerShot S410 and absolutely love it. I do a bit more professional photographic type stuff, so the S410 is a decent fit. It's a bit higher than the $200 price limit, but if you find yourself venturing up in to that price range, it is an awesome camera.

From what I have heard the only way to go for a camera, in any price range is to go for canon. They have the best cameras in the marketplace. I would never buy a non-canon digital camera, especially after owning a Sony Mavica (floppy disks = evil).
thanks guys, most likely ill be going with the cannon a75.
Woo, go Canon PowerShots!
Hiya, First post here (but been reading forums for months now) so here goes...

I've not yet gone digital but have been seriously considering it recently. I've owned a number of Canon film cameras in the past (a pair of SLRs and two different compacts; I'm into my photography...) and would certainly vouch for the Canon's that I've had the chance to 'road-test' - the A75 being one of them.

However, I've been looking for a simple point-and-shoot digital like you with good photo quality (The film SLR (EOS 50) will be my high quality cam as I still don't think digital can rival film for quality). One that I've been really drawn to is the Olympus MJU 410 (called the Stylus 410 in the States) as it has a unique feature - it's weatherproof. Don't know how much of an issue that is in NY but over here in the UK it's useful, particularly on pub crawls with mates where candid shots are required!

[One link - hope it works: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos...925/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl/026-2109599-3165262 ]

It may be over your budget (check also MJU/Stylus 300 - same thing, 3MP instead of 4) but is a camera worth looking into in my opinion. I've always found Olympus make good optics...

Just my 2 pence/cents... :wink:
