Ah yes, the usual
luckily, since setting up home assistant, I no longer care about whether any system, sensor, switch, whatever will talk to
any other system. compatibility is no longer a concern.
everything talks to home assistant anyway. So I don't have to give a damn about Thread or Matter, either (despite having the apple tv and homepod mini). Because, while the promise sounds good and everything, I still find it way too limited and many implementations are, honestly speaking, hot garbage. Watching youtube videos of actually adding matter devices into apple home, I'm always astonished at how bloody awfully slow that whole spiel works - if it does work. It's insane. also I don't like the apple home app lol*
I've even already replaced some of my automations that were living inside their respective "gated communities" (i.e. not leaving e.g. hue or homematic) with automations running in home assistant - i.e. having to come from outside those systems, simply because it's so much easier to set up, edit, navigate and I have so many more triggers.
Yes, home assistant is more work - but considerung the pains even some of the closed systems are, well worth it imo (everybody has to decide that for themselves ofc).
regarding actual window sensors: I still have a few homematic IP "hidden style" window sensors with an optical sensor that live inside the actual little hollow space between outside-frame and window (see attached pic). Never installed them, though... originally wanted to use them to prevent the rolling shutters from lock us out in the garden when they automatically go down, but never got around to actually doing it. not an issue, since we're in bed at 10 anyway... and also wouldn't work, because the door would probably no
actually be wide open. no use for heating either, since the underfloor-heating is too slow for that. I'm still surprised that that kind of idea wasn't adopted by more / other systems - probably because it's much more expensive than a simple magnetic reed switch.
* as posted somewhere else, I'm actually in the process of throwing out my apple homekit secure video camera / floodlight thing, because it keeps disconnecting and being a general pain in the ass. many times, the clips that get stored on icloud (exclusively!), simply won't
ever load... and since the camera seems to be offline for long stretches of time anyway, it seems pretty pointless anyway.
edit: I think we may be in the wrong thread for this.
also: is there no smart home shenanigans thread on finalgear???
edit2: actually, there is this thread:
https://forums.finalgear.com/threads/iot-and-related-gizmos-honey-i-bricked-the-house.3556522/ which sort of feels like a "Random Smart Home Shenanigans" type of thread, so I'm going to take both of our posts and quote them over to there. And will also link some other more specific threads that are sort of smart home related in there as well, just for fun.