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Ipod Video Converters


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2005
San Francisco, California

I just wanted to ask everyone what htey use to convert videos to ipod format?


I've been using Videora but now that my friend gave me another program, i have ot say it's a lot faster.


Xilisoft Video Ipod Converter. (Faster and easier to convert with)

Oh and here's a formula I found for determining how to do the resolutions:

y2 = 16* round( sqrt(320*480/(x/y)) / 16 )
x2 = 16* round( y2 * (x/y) )

(sorry everyone if this topic has been covered a billion times. I am bored at work and felt like making a nice thread that I'd enjoy)
i have a quick question, are these files compressed in size (space taken up on the HD)?
Well an example is:

You grab Top Gear, which is 350mb (vuk's) or 700mb (scene)...

You run them through these converter programs and end up with a 100mb-200mb file with an extension of m4v. Then you drag this into the ipod through itunes and then delete the files off your computer if you do not want to keep them. That's atleast how I do it.
Well i prefer to convert stuff myself. I converted the SNL - Chronicles of Narnia Rap onto my ipod.
I have played around with several programs over the last couple of days.

I used to use "Videora iPod Converter" but tha makes the video out of sync by a second or so over hour long shows. I have read in their forums that this is because the video encoding part uses three decimal place (like 29.253) whilst the audio part uses only 2 (like 29.25) so the audio goes out of sync by a fraction of a second each second. Consequently, over an hour long show the audio gets about a second out of sync.

They have acknowledged this issue and are apparently dealing with it in future releases. Just wish they woulkd hurry up. :x

I have also had the exact same issue will Xilisoft Converter and ImTOO Converter (which are the EXACT same product by the same company with a different name put on it).

I am currently using Cucusoft Video Converter which I have used on dozens of hour plus shows and the audio remains in perfect sync. Personally I think the video quality is excellent on the iPod itself (because of the small screen) but a little bit lower then other programs when put on my TV (I'm using the default settings, but you can change them yourself and turn the resolution up) but it is by no means unwatchable.

If you do a search on Torrentspy for "Cucusoft" I'm sure you people will be able to find it. :p

Hope this helps. :D
Can't you just use Virtual Dub and fiddle around with settings until its perfect? Thats what I would do. I guess you can get that little bit more quality
virtual dub doesn't output to m4v as i recall.
btw... I have a PSP v2.0 and I was wondering what is needed to play the files, I can use the Videora to convert, but what player do I use?
well if you wanna just play the files on your computer. I'd say quicktime can do it. Also vlc.
psp has internal decoder that can read these m4v files .
PSP Video 9 is a free PSP video conversion and management application. It can convert regular PC video files (avi, mpeg, etc) into PSP video files, as well as manage/copy these PSP video files between your PC and PSP.

When combined with another application, Videora + PSP Video 9 form the first PSPcasting solution, allowing you to download, convert and copy video to your PSP, automatically using BitTorrent and RSS technology.

ya apple has now expanded their range of shows that you can download. YOu can get NBC stuff now too along with those abc stuff.
I'm using Videora and I was wondering which conversion I should have used for:

a.) Vuk's 350mb FG
b.) 700mb scene rips TG

I want them to be widescreen instead of taking up the full screen like it is now because the proportions are all wrong that way: