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It wasnt worth it... (M3 carnage!)


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
Allen, TX USA
'07 Ford F-150 FX4, '06 BMW M5
Damn... what a waste of a very very good car.
I know what the guy did was wrong, but that's some serious revenge on him!!!
Punishable only by death penalty. :x
I don't see how it's wrong... he slept with the guy's ex-wife. They weren't married.

monkeymax said:
Damn... what a waste of a very very good car.
I know what the guy did was wrong, but that's some serious revenge on him!!!
Edit: Okay my bad. Think I should go back to bed as I obviously didn't get enough sleep - I'm not reading properly!!!
Yeah, it's just a psycho, jealous ex-husband who doesn't like his ex-wife to sleep with anyone else...


Take directly on the dude, not on his M3!!!
Ethan said:


Take directly on the dude, not on his M3!!!

take on the girl. they guy can't help the girl he picked up at the bar has a freaked out ex running around
poor m3.... definitely can't recover from this. Better just buy a new car. I'm sure m3 guy has every right to sue the ex husband for physically destroying his car. It doesn't matter if he slept with his ex wife because that's just adultery, not punishable by law.
What the fuck kind of paint is that anyway? It's so thick and gooey, like icing.
You want to take revenge on somebody, you take it out on them, not their property. Especially not their car, and especially not a fine German sports car like the M3. Why don't people get it? Don't waste time vandalizing their car when you could just go over and punch him in the face a few times (if he's bigger than you, grab a baseball bat and start swinging).

Don't key their car, throw paint on it, smash a window, rip a mirror off, hide feces under the door handle, ram it into a truck, etc. Take it out on the person, not their property.

Yes, I am condoning violence. That psycho needs to be shot.
Though the M3 owner is probably some wannabe pimp, with his fine German sports car... ;)
lol, thats hilarious and sad at the same time. I wonder why he didnt do anything to the engine.