jensked said:
so long, happy Beetle-ing
Thank you very much jensked! And my Beetle is doing great, my GF has named her "Molly". I can't wait 'til spring when I can put on the new chrome fender, new rims and a re-paint.
I can tell you guys so much - that I have become an even more Beetle-freak since before. I am now responsible for the event "Volksfest" in Oslo this summer, it'll be awsome!
This is from 2003:
Buba said:
Byebye Haz...!
Sad to see you got, rock that bug hard
Will do Buba!
jeffy777 said:
Man, it seems that our beetle lovers are slipping away
That is just a coincidence I assume, but who other than Jos and I who own Beetles have left the forum?
Mischief007 said:
I'm coming after you haz. I'll chain you to that computer of yours
Too bad.
Another Beetle gone.
I can imagine .... hehe ....
vladmitu said:
we'll be waiting until you come back to visit.
cheers and enjoy your time away from here. 8)
That's always nice to know
I will come back I assume ... just have to prio things right now ...
Viper007Bond said:
Cya man.
And yeah, I understand the lack of time. I only skim through and read like 1 outta 15-20 threads as it is.
So will you be more strict on ppl not posting so much OT? So that you can keep a "neat and tidy" forum that involve automotive/TG/FG related discussions more for the future?
I would say that's the best way of keeping the forum in its original form, and that way securing regulars to keep posting and hanging around ...
thx for the good times Viper, it's been a blast
andyhui01 said:
All the beetles are taking away the soul of FInalgear!
anyways... Haz, I understand what you mean, I think the forum has changed alot as well... I honestly liked it best when it was a much smaller community.... now its full of OT I don't check it as much anymore... plus all the regulars are leaving which makes it worst
... I was hoping I could meet all the regulars sometime in real life
Well, since most of us in this thread agree on the OT, forum taking a leap away from its form, regulars leaving - why not do something about it? Make sure ppl discuss on topic and not making this a place just to bla bla bla like a bunch of women? You all know women talk alot ... damn they like to talk alot .. :?
I would also like to meet some of these ppl in real life, that'd be awsome
bartboy9891 said:
you'll be back before long....
I know ...
Renesis said:
Ah well, times change..
I remember when I left, I had like.. 9700 posts on there and decided to leave..
lack of time...
plus it was mostly junk, but it was fun..
I prefer quality forums now.
Anyway, hope to see you back sometimes haz, you've been a good member!
Hope to see you again too buddy, thx for that. Try and keep the forum on topic and you won't see regulars taking off .. in my case it has alot to do with not having the time though ...
monkeymax said:
Sorry to see you leaving too Haz. Hope you'll be back 'round again soon (even if you aren't around as much) - you were a great person to chat with up here.
Yeah, first thing I thought when reading this was all the 'Boble-People' are leaving - what are we doing, scaring them off?! Do we tease them
that much?
I'm not as great a poster as some of the regulars but I was a reader for a while before I joined up and I know what you mean. This place has changed. And granted, while there are some threads (and even sections) on this place I don't read anymore (or never did) there are some non car related ones which I go to more often now than the Top Gear/Fifth Gear discussion sections. While I agree that perhaps the forum is getting a little big now with lots of people coming in just to ask silly questions, it certainly is still one of the best forums around IMO.
But still, you've chosen the outside world to the 'net, so good for you. I too should probably start opening the curtains in my room from time to time to look out during the day rather than relying on my web browser for weather info and webcams!
Anyway, hopefully, see you soon Haz!
No, you didn't tease me nearly enough buddy
c ya round -
- zzartam eht -
(I change my sig with something to remember me by)