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James May's New Car

Man, he always buys nice but old cars... He must be crazy...

can you imagine being richard who just sold almost the exact same car?

imagine richard getting up in the morning...squeezing into this tiny garage filled with big clunky american car...disgracefully getting in thru the window because he cant open the doors (as we saw in the segment about the charger)

then on the way to work, already frustrated with the non existant brakes, and having to go through roundabouts at a speed befitting a smart cuz it cant do corners, having to fill up the giant gas tank cuz it only holds enough petrol to make the trip 1 1/2 times.

all the while missing the practical and beautiful 911 you sold for this wheeled nightmare, and here you get to work finaly...arms aching fron the steering wheel, and here james has a gorgeous 911...

ha! thats what you get for selling a 911 and down grading to a hunk of iron
leif said:
then on the way to work, already frustrated with the non existant brakes, and having to go through roundabouts at a speed befitting a smart cuz it cant do corners,

He had it modernized a bit... But still, you are right... I guess, we will hear Jezza mention that...

James has such great taste in cars. In the article he says that before he got the 911 he was looking at 1970s BMW 3.0 CSLs.

I really hope they do a segment involving the host's personal cars this series. There is too much potential with Clarkson's Ford GT and Richard's Charger to ignore. :D
"In fact, there was one not 15 miles from me, called 911 Virgin. You could look it up on the interweb at www.911virgin.com, but for God's sake don't add an "s" to "virgin" or you will end up on a deviant site featuring nudity and skateboards but no cars." :lol:

Renesis said:
:? that car doesn't suit him at all IMO

I think Yes.. He's the perfect car for his personality :thumbsup:
that guy i can never understand
leif said:
well you have a pic of the M-Coupe on your box...so im sure the feeling is mutual

:lol: :lmao:

Touch?! :p
that was weird, i was reading that article and i could actually hear james may's voice as i was reading it.
