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JC Rascism?

Oct 20, 2005
American Gardens Building, West 81st, 11th Floor
I was watching a repeat of an episode of Top Gear today. During this episode on it's original broadcast JC said "which one would you steal" to a black man.

Im sure you all know the part im talking about. Well anyway I didn't think he was being rascist saying this but i noticed that in the repeat they had cut out that phrase.

Perhaps there were complaints made and it needed to be removed?
This has already been discussed in the respective episode thread.

There's no JC racism, the guy just didn't get that Clarkson is like that to everyone and felt offended. Clarkson realized that and had to explain himself quickly, which didn't look too well.
I'm well aware it has already been discussed. The main purpose of the thread was to bring up that they had cut the phrase out of the repeats.
Patrick Bateman said:
I'm well aare it has already been discussed. The main purpose of the thread was to bring up that they had cut the phrase out of the repeats.

Okay then. If you want my opinion they cut it out because not everyone might notice that it was a misunderstanding and not racism. If you ask me that's understandable sice there have been a few similar questions raised here.

I think that's okay since TG is about cars and more of an entertainment format. If it would have been a political show or sth. similar it would have been unacceptable.
If you ask me too many people are thin skinned about things like this. JMO
He has used the staling thing in more thatn one episode. It comes up every few episodes when playing with the audience. But yeah, everyone young, who owns a car.. well stole it :)
He also said somethng about stealing a car to a white kid in one episode so he's not being racist.

Everyone is too sensitive about racism. :roll:
And when talking about young guys in hot hatches on housing estates he says "Like this guy!"

He's not being rude, just being a smart arse, there's no un-towards tone in his voice when he says these things... It's Clarkson, get over it.
^Exactly, its just him being a smart-arse. Dont take anything he says seriously...even about cars! Its all in the name of entertainment.
I love American Psycho - one of my favourite films of all time :)

Re: the racism issue, this is just silly. If he'd have said the same thing to a white guy with a baseball cap, no-one would have cared.

Jezza is on an episode of Peep Show as an example of a racist, but it's used in an amusing light. Anyone who hasn't seen Peep Show btw, really should - it's sooooo funny.
I've only seen the first two seasons of that, but boy are they funny.

SO i'm guessing he was in the third one?
He was in the 2nd series im sure. Marks new BNP friend was using him as an example of good white British people (i think :huh: )
He is just stupid, that is what he is.

P.S: I like Top Gear tests, but I can't stand Clarkson
Those who hate Clarkson are those who have been offended by him.
You are in a minority group that's full of people with whom I'd never want to be associated. (i.e. hippies, vegans, and environmentalists)