Kill a dream

Granted. Now your thigh is hurting. But if you want a massage... :wicked:

I wish this nightmare would just be OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Granted. But a brand new one is just beginning. The Spiders are coming to get you.

I wish there were more hours in some days and less in others.
Granted, the days you want to be longer are now shorter and the days you just wish would end are now far longer.

I wish I had the winning lottery ticket.
Granted. But you put it in your jeans pocket, washed them, and now it's just mulch.

I wish I had a house, with a door. Windows, one, two, three, four.
Granted. But it's two dimensional.

I wish that I had all the answers
Granted, but you forget all of them.

I wish I had my own plane.
Granted. But you can't afford to run it and have no idea how to fly it.

I wish that I always had enough money for whatever I wanted in my purse
Granted. Your purse is now so large that you can't go anywhere with it, and you've bankrupted several nation states resulting in homelessness, malnutrition, and death.

I wish I could be cheerier.
Granted. You're now as happy as a clam. In the ocean.

I wish that I had somewhere to go on a permanent basis
Granted, a prison cell.

I wish I would win the lottery.
Granted. But you lose the ticket, and it is found by a real arsehole who wastes it on stupidity

I wish that I had a functioning magic wand that would grant my every desire
Granted. It leaves, but SARS comes to stay instead.

I wish that I had perfect health for the rest of my life
Granted. Unfortunately, the rest of your life is extremely short, as all your subatomic particles suddenly disappear at the same time in one Planck length.

I wish I was self-assured and not easily influenced by little things. It's seriously affecting my life and the way I behave.
Granted :hug: Because you are awesome and need to believe it.

I wish I had the power to fix things.
Without being too smultzy, you have the power to fix people. :p :D Granted, but you become the "person who knows how to fix things", and all your friends will start relying on you. At first you'll enjoy it, but you'll soon become tired of being asked for help.

I wish I had a really cool hat.
Granted. But it is made out of a fabric that you are allergic too and if it touches any part of your body then you will swell up like a balloon and eventually burst. So only your friends will be able to wear it and get all the looks and appreciation from your peers.

I wish I was in an old western movie.
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Granted. But then I end up with a far.... wait. Hang on.


I wish that I had awesome super magical powers
Granted. You have the power to attract men instantly. Unfortunately you cant turn off this power so whenever you go outside you are literally swarmed by thousands and get trampled/ripped to pieces, so you have to stay inside all day hiding.

I wish I could think of something to wish for.