Well-Known Member
... My Idea ...
I think we should have a dedicated Lens Flair Hall of Fame thread. Basically you can only have your photo put here if it's voted by 5 regular members (Say members with 250+ posts)
Why ? There has been some out of this world photos posted in the Lens Flair thread that are now lost amongst the 8 million odd pages of Lens Flair. It would be sweet to have a photo's only thread (No comments etc) of the best of Lens Flair.
C&C ?
I think we should have a dedicated Lens Flair Hall of Fame thread. Basically you can only have your photo put here if it's voted by 5 regular members (Say members with 250+ posts)
Why ? There has been some out of this world photos posted in the Lens Flair thread that are now lost amongst the 8 million odd pages of Lens Flair. It would be sweet to have a photo's only thread (No comments etc) of the best of Lens Flair.
C&C ?