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Lens Flair

Thanks Craig

Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

Beautiful little blue-and-orange bird with a long, pointed bill. Often rather shy and inconspicuous despite bright plumage. Found along rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds—almost any fresh or brackish habitat with small fish. Often perches quietly in trees over water; most often seen in very fast low flight as a turquoise flash over the water, usually flying away. Easily detected once its high, shrill whistled call is learned, even if the bird itself is hidden. The only small blue kingfisher over much of its range.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/comkin1?siteLanguage=en_PH

Location: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muntinlupa

This was one of the first birds I photographed within the 1st 3 months of getting into birding. And it shows!
Thanks lip & CraigB

Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

Fierce-looking, large songbird with a thick, decurved bill. Adult dark with greenish gloss in good light. Juvenile dark gray-brown above with a heavily streaked white belly. Most have ruby-red eyes, but birds in the central and southern Nicobar Islands have pale irises. Prefers urban and suburban areas; a common sight in cities, towns, parks, and farmland areas. Frequently seen perching on telephone wires, fence posts, and buildings, often in very large, noisy flocks. Native to Southeast and South Asia; introduced to Taiwan, where fairly common.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/asgsta1?siteLanguage=en_PH
From the Porsche Festival previously this month:


It’s a recreation of a Porsche 917K, painted in the 1970s psychedelic livery. It’s a very accurate recreation based on original schematics, but using carbon fibre for the bodywork. The only thing missing is a flat-12 engine as that would make the whole thing way more expensive according to the builder.
Thanks Craig

Spotted Wood Kingfisher (Actenoides lindsayi) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

A striking medium-sized kingfisher of lowland and foothill forest. Whitish below with dark scaling and dark green above with buff spotting. Bill bicolored, black above and orange below. Note the broad black band through the eye, reaching the back of the head, and the green crown and rump. Male has a full rufous collar, throat, and band below the eye, as well as a bright blue moustache and band behind the eye that are green in the female. Unmistakable in its range. Song, given at dawn, consists of a single downslurred whistle, “wee-ooo,” repeated every few seconds.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/spokin1?siteLanguage=en_PH

Location: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Mesa_Ecopark
Thanks Craig

Rufous-backed Shrike (Lanius schach) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

A large, noisy shrike typical of open habitats across Asia. Adults have a dark mask and a light gray upper back with a variable amount of orange on lower back and flanks. Eastern subspecies has complete black cap; melanistic form has more extensive dark mask and is darker overall. Smaller Bay-backed Shrike has thicker black mask; Gray-backed Shrike has darker gray back and lacks orange coloration and white in wings. Juveniles difficult to separate from other juvenile shrikes. Gives loud, screeching calls; also mimics other birds.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/lotshr1?siteLanguage=en_PH

Location: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muntinlupa

Chestnut Munia, (Lonchura atricapilla) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

A small, plump reddish brown finch with a black head and thick silvery-blue bill. Immatures are plain sandy brown with slightly darker wings. Often seen in flocks, usually in grassy areas, including lawns, but also marshes and rice paddies; prefers wetter areas than Scaly-breasted Munia. Gives soft pipping and clinking notes; song includes quiet slurred whistles and bill clicks. Native to southeastern Asia, but introduced to numerous areas including the Hawaiian Islands, Japan, Ecuador, and Jamaica.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/chemun?siteLanguage=en_PH

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/wCywmZ12CYqK5uAj8
Thanks Craig

Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

Very small, with a distinctive short, rounded tail with conspicuous spots at the tip. Body sandy-colored below, streaky above. Breeding males have a dark bill and crown. Found in open grasslands, meadows, marshes, and agricultural areas. Most readily detected by its repetitive and monotonous song, given from either a perch or in an undulating song flight. Song varies across wide distribution, ranging from evenly-paced squeaky “tsik, tsik” of African and European birds to the fast dry ticking of Southeast Asian birds.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/zitcis1

Post Production: Framed as is for the purpose of displaying this on a 30"x20" frame. Sharpening on bird & desharpening in background.

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/8doRcXRT1YFRGCNt9
Thanks Craig & lip

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

Large heron with rusty head and streaky neck; juvenile is extensively rusty brown on upperparts. Favors fresh marshes with tall reeds and other vegetation. Often more retiring than Gray Heron and rarely seen in open situations. Only likely to be confused with larger and bulkier Gray Heron, which is paler and grayer overall, with a stouter bill.

Source: https://ebird.org/species/purher1

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/yEhDftH3LzYay8xK7
These are some magnificent shots.