justin syder said:
Why not get mad at the UN and its corrupt leadership etc. they do more harm than we have in the last few years.
A statement like that is very disrespectfull, and very general labeling such a huge org.
There no way you know all the facts and issues to form a whole picture. Not many people can. Esspecialy the media, yet they still tell you EXACTLY how it is..
Take a pinch of salt b4 reading anything.
Its like bush, ppl say hes dumb, other says hes not. But not many people know him personaly, or can even see inside his head to make a proper judgement. Is he dumb, maybe. There is evidence for it and aginst it. But noone here can make a proper judgement.
And just, ffs, not every european is the same. Unless you live here, or have lived here its very hard to tell what europe is like (i don't even know what its like). Compared to america it has much more different cultures with varying opinions. Just have a look eu parlement. Nothing ever goes smoothly there.
Yet Justin, you seem to know exactly what the situation is. When in reality its way too complicated, or too hard to obtain enough info to draw the proper big picture.
How can someone be certain the bush government went to war to free irak, and not the oil?
How can we know if a leader like that is nor corrupt?
Is he doing it all for the good of the country?